World governments are preparing for an Extinction Level Event (ELE); CDC reverses itself on every pillar of COVID theater

Natural News | 12 AUg 2022 We have two bombshell stories to bring you in today’s article and Situation Update podcast (shown below). The first story concerns new intel from commercial suppliers, indicating that governments of the world are stockpiling supplies like never before, seemingly in anticipation of an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that threatens…

Bishop Williamson kills the holocaust religion

VT | 23 Aug 2016 The “Holocaust”, or Six Million Jews murdered in German “gas-chambers” as a deliberate policy of extermination of Jews by the Third Reich in the Second World War, is a religion Richard N. Williamson is an English traditionalist Catholic bishop who has been a figure of controversy among the holocaust establishment.…

Holocaust Denial Laws: Evidence Inadmissable, Defense Forbidden

VT | 31 March 2015 [youtube] In this video, Sylvia Stolz, who has been called the German Joan of Arc, discusses her experiences as a trial lawyer defending Ernst Zündel and others who have been charged with holocaust denial. A question that people have been asking for a long time is that if the…

The Holocaust Narrative: Politics Trumps Science

Jim Fetzer | VT | 26 Nov 2014 The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in World War II, with a discussion of how delousing technology functioned in the German World War II labour camps”—Nicholas Kollerstrom The author…

Turkish students face jail for Nazi salute at Auschwitz

NZ Herald / AFP 10 Dec 2013 Two Turkish history students were handed a six-month suspended jail term Monday for giving the Nazi salute at the former Auschwitz death camp, Polish police said. The 22-year-old man and woman were detained on Sunday while taking pictures of each other performing the salute at the gates of…