Cause and Effect John Pilger on Terror in Britain

John Pilger | 31 May 2017 These atrocities, like Manchester and London are the product of British foreign policy. [youtube] John Pilger: Terror In Britain: What Did The Prime Minister Know? The causes of the Manchester atrocity, in which 22 mostly young people were murdered by a jihadist, are being suppressed to protect the…

Morrissey Rips British Politicians after Manchester Attack: ‘Petrified’ to Admit Islamic Extremism Behind Terror

Breitbart | May 24, 2017 Musician and songwriter Morrissey angrily excoriated British politicians following Monday night’s deadly terrorist attack at a pop music concert in Manchester, England, claiming that it is easy for politicians to say they are “unafraid” and to remain resolute while failing to address the root causes of terrorism and hiding behind their own…

Blood, rage & history: The world’s first terrorists

The Independent | 12 Oct 2009 We think of jihadism as a modern creation, but a major new TV film reveals how the 19th-century anarchist movement was equally nihilistic – and equally deadly Imagine it. A network of violent radicals is picking off the world’s leaders one by one. They have killed the American President,…

President Hollande Ordered the Massacre of Syrian Women and Children In Retaliation for the “Alleged” ISIS Bastille Day Attack

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | 21 July 2016 Air Strikes against Civilians in North of Aleppo In the immediate wake of the 14th of July Nice Terror Attack which resulted in more than 84 dead, France’s President Francois Hollande intimated in an official address (without evidence) that the attacks had been conducted by the Islamic State…

FBI Orders All Orlando Records Withheld from Public

VT | 2 July 2016 Is This An Impeachable Offense for James Comey? Is This An Impeachable Offense for James Comey? [youtube]We covered several big stories exposing the Orlando false flag in this week’s False Flag Weekly News – watch it above, and click HERE for the story links. But we missed the biggest…