The Power Principle – documentary film

The Power Principle (2012)   [youtube]   Part I – Empire An Introduction to the Empire; Iran – Oil and Geopolitics; Guatemala – the “merger of state and corporate power”; The Congo – Neocolonialism; Grenada – “The Mafia Doctrine”; Chile – “libertarianism with a small l”; Globalization: Consequences. 1945: Grand Area Strategy; Fascism: a…

New Robocop Movie Envisions World Patrolled by Drones

Paul Joseph Watson November 8, 2013 The fourth installment of the Robocop franchise, set for release in February next year, is based around the premise that robotic drones patrol the world but that America is the last holdout and needs to be brainwashed into relinquishing its “robophobia”. A new trailer for the movie released…