What Would a Nuclear War Look Like?

International Man | 22 Sep 2022 For eight years, NATO has backed puppet rulers in Ukraine, funded attacks on Donbass, repeatedly violated the Minsk Treaties, outlawed the speaking of Russian in the Luhansk and Donetsk Republics, and has destroyed democratic opposition and free media in Ukraine, leaving it a one-party government, essentially owned and financed…

Israel nuclear weapons: UK government loses file on its involvement with country's arsenal

The Independent | 5 Aug 2016 Labour’s Tristram Hunt describes missing National Archive files as ‘worrying loss’ More than 400 documents, including government files relating to the UK’s involvement in Israel’s alleged nuclear arsenal, have gone missing over the last four years, it has been revealed. The response to a Freedom of Information request showed the UK’s National…

How Obama Collaborated with Clerics in Tehran to Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Program

Prof. Akbar E. Torbat | 28 June 2016 The following describes how President Obama’s administration along with a number of NGOs secretly collaborated with the clerics in Tehran to dismantle Iran’s nuclear program and engineered Hassan Rouhani’s presidential election to make that happen. How the Deal Was Initiated In 2001, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund financed…

The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement

Paul Craig Roberts | 18 July 2015 Obama is being praised as a man of peace for the nuclear agreement with Iran. Some are asking if Obama will take the next step and repair US-Russian relations and bring the Ukrainian imbroglio to an end? If so he hasn’t told Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland…

After Iran deal, Obama offers military upgrade to help Israel swallow bitter Iranian deal

Haaretz | 15 July 2015 In a phone conversation between the two leaders Tuesday, Netanyahu did not respond to the offer, said the official, who requested anonymity U.S. President Barack Obama has offered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediate talks to upgrade the Israel Defense Forces’ offensive and defensive capabilities in the wake of the deal…