Why is Hillary Clinton talking to Laurence Rockefeller and holding a book about extraterrestrials?

Vicky Tops | 23 May 2016 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ2CIFxmA0o&w=640&h=360]   As most of you probably already know, Hillary is a former Secretary of State for the Obama administration and currently a 2016 presidential candidate. She is also a longtime politician. Laurence Rockefeller was the fourth child of John D. Rockefeller Jr., from the well-known Rockefeller family…

The Coming Shift to the Esoteric

VT | 8 April 2016 Vatican insiders are watching the heavens and awaiting for the arrival of an important Alien ET guest they expect to appear soon. When this occurs they plan to openly disclose to the World, creating a shift in mindset from the mundane to the esoteric. This disclosure by the Vatican is…

Joe Rogan and Dr Steven Greer on the UFO ‘Disclosure Project’

Joe Rogan | 4 March 2013 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gVLv5eg4Xg&w=640&h=360] [AM editor’s note: the issue over whether or not UFOs and E.T.s exist; have visited Earth and made contact with humans is becoming less controversial with the increasing catalogue of evidence from ‘official’ sources supporting the proposition (also see here and here). The trouble that disclosure advocates…

Former Canadian Acting PM Paul Hellyer: “USA in grave danger.” Exposes Cabal, calls for New Energy, ET Disclosure, Cabal ouster in 2016 Election

News Inside Out | 19 March 2015 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv8XB3qE8JM?feature=player_embedded&w=640&h=360] VANCOUVER, BC – In a video statement released March 18, 2015, Former Canadian acting Prime Minister Paul Hellyer, declaring the USA to be “in grave danger”, exposed the Shadow Cabal controllers and called upon the American people to elect a new Administration committed to the disclosure…