“How to Save the World”

SAGE HANA | 14 Dec 2023 Good Club gonna good One guy is a Big Tech One ID Surveillance helpful inventor. Came up the ranks with DARPA as a kid and went on to become a quarter billionaire and Democratic Party Megadonor. When Covid “emerged” he was involved with a Rockefeller Philanthropy administered fund that studied Remdesivir. Sage’s…

Bird Flu Scare Narrative Ramps Up

Mercola | 3 April 2023 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Considering global biosecurity is one of the primary tactics chosen to usher in a totalitarian One World Government, it’s clear that more pandemics are in our future, and a weaponized bird flu seems likely Historically, natural avian influenza (H5N1) never posed a threat to mankind, but scientists have…

Ebola Likely Leaked From a Lab as Well

Mercola | 28 Mar 2023 STORY AT-A-GLANCE In December 2013, Zaire Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in Guinea and over the next three years spread across West Africa, ultimately killing 11,323 people. It was the largest and deadliest Ebola outbreak in history According to a paper published at the end of December 2014, the Ebola…

Kids and Young People Targeted by Bill Gates’ Exercise, “Catastrophic Contagion”

Igor Chudov | 12 Dec 2022 Remember Event 201 in 2019 and Monkeypox Preparedness Exercise in 2021? Remember “Event 201”, a preparedness exercise featuring a coronavirus pandemic, conducted in October 2019 under the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and involving China’s CDC and others? The timing was exquisite, and the COVID-19 pandemic…

The Killing Fields of Samoa

Arkmedic | 20 Nov 2022 What happened in Samoa in 2019 and why is it so important now? Malo Lava! We’re going back in time today… not all the way back to Ingersoll Lockwood times but just a little bit. To 2019. Just before the “COVID-19 pandemic”. Our location? The beautiful islands of Samoa. And you’re asking…

Australian Medical Professionals Society Releases Adverse Events Report of Covid-19 Injection Data

VSS | 31 AUg 2022 1.    Australian Medical Professionals Society Releases Adverse Events Report of Covid-19 Injection Data “To date, Adverse Events flowing from these products are at historically unprecedented levels globally and continue to rise. And again, to date, no other drugs in human history have reported more deaths, illnesses, injuries, and disabilities,…

Ghana reports first-ever suspected cases of Marburg virus disease

WHO | 7 July 2022 [AM editor’s note: speculation that Marburg virus would be the next “plandemic” is perhaps gaining chop … wait and see I suppose] see also: The next pandemic: Marburg? A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution Accra – Ghana has announced the preliminary finding of two cases of Marburg virus disease and if confirmed…