The ‘Plandemic’ and the Great Awakening

Mercola | 17 Oct 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Mikki Willis’ documentary “Plandemic” was released May 4, 2020, and has since been viewed over 1 billion times, despite being universally censored. “Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation” has also been viewed more than 200 million times “Plandemic: Indoctornation” features David Martin, Ph.D., who has documented and tracked white collar…

Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?

Glenn Greenwald | 27 Feb 2015 The FBI and major media outlets yesterday trumpeted the agency’s latest counterterrorism triumph: the arrest of three Brooklyn men, ages 19 to 30, on charges of conspiring to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS (photo of joint FBI/NYPD press conference, above). As my colleague Murtaza Hussain ably documents, “it appears that none of the…

How & Why Fake News Stories Are Created: Naomi Wolf

ICH | 10Feb 2015 Naomi R. Wolf is an American author and former political consultant for the Clinton/Gore administration. This was filmed at the 2014 Free State Project’s Liberty Forum in New Hampshire. “We have entered a time in which we need to be very skeptical about the news stream” [youtube] FULL VIDEO [youtube…

White House To Target ‘Out of Control’ Sharyl Attkisson For Fast and Furious Coverage

by Katie Pavlich | Town | November 21, 2014 White House Deputy Press Secretary Email: “Good. Her [Attkisson] piece was really bad for the AG” A Department of Justice document dump to government watchdog Judicial Watch, made public yesterday, shows former DOJ Spokeswoman and Holder Flack Tracy Schmaler talking to the White House about “out of…