Clapper Admits Trump Could Have Been Wiretapped During Manafort Surveillance

Paul Joseph Watson | 21 September 2017 “It’s certainly conceivable” James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence under President Barack Obama, admitted during an appearance on CNN last night that it’s possible President Trump’s conversations could have been wiretapped. The admission is yet another indication that Trump was right when he tweeted that Obama had…

Bombshell Report Catches Pentagon Falsifying Paperwork For Weapons Transfers To Syrian Rebels

Zero Hedge | Sept 13, 2017 A new bombshell joint report issued by two international weapons monitoring groups Tuesday confirms that the Pentagon continues to ship record breaking amounts of weaponry into Syria and that the Department of Defense is scrubbing its own paper trail. On Tuesday the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and the Balkan…

Julian Assange: YouTube Commentators Are Red Pilling a Generation

Paul Joseph Watson | 6 Sept 2017 “This is where young men are now getting their political education” Wikileaks founder Julian Assange asserts that an entirely new generation is now getting their social and political education from right-leaning YouTube commentators. During a Twitter discussion about how much the independent left is resonating with young people…