Is McKinsey & Company the deep state?

uTobian | 22 Aug 2023 Book review: When McKinsey Comes to Town I. The McKinsey business model I just finished reading When McKinsey Comes to Town: The Hidden Influence of the World’s Most Powerful Consulting Firm. It’s a revelation. The authors, Walt Bogdanich and Michael Forsythe, investigative reporters for the NY Times, break new ground by interviewing…

Ex-CIA Spy Brags About ‘Swinging’ 2020 Election With Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression Campaign

Jamie White | 28 Mar 2022 “I take special pride in swinging the election away from Trump. You’re welcome,” boasts ex-CIA National Clandestine Service officer John Sipher. A former CIA officer took to Twitter to boast about how he helped “swing” the 2020 presidential election “away from Trump” by trying to discredit the Hunter Biden…

High tech global genocidal feudalism

uTobian | 27 Nov 2021 RFK Jr.’s recent speech in Milan shines a new light on the role of the CIA in pandemic planning There is still a piece of this whole debacle that does not make sense to me. Gain of function research is just a euphemism for bioweapons research. Gain of function research…

RFK Jr. Opens ‘CIA Can of Worms’

Mercola | 2 Oct 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE February 10, 2021, Instagram banned the account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for “sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines” The real reason Kennedy is being censored is because he understands and exposes the global technocratic agenda that is pushing us toward global totalitarianism The corporate media…

FBI texts reveal Obama wanted briefings about Clinton investigation after 'guaranteeing' he wouldn't get involved

Daily Mail | 8 Feb 2018 An FBI lawyer wrote in a text to her lover in late 2016 that then-president Barack Obama wanted updates on the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Two months before the presidential election, Lisa Page wrote to fellow FBI official Peter Strzok that she was working on a memo for then-FBI director James Comey because…

Nunes Memo Reports Crimes at Top of FBI and DOJ

Ray McGovern | 2 Feb 2018 Exclusive: The newly released “Nunes Memo” reveals felony wrongdoing by top members of the FBI and DOJ for misrepresenting evidence to obtain a FISA warrant and may implicate other intelligence officials, writes Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern The long-awaited House Intelligence Committee report made public today identifies current and former top…