Cops to use licence to disqualify anyone guilty of anything

Jon Kaila Herald Sun November 27, 2013 Sweeping legal changes which came into effect on September 30 allow courts to suspend or cancel the licence of any person convicted or found guilty of any offence – regardless of whether that offence has anything to do with driving. Victoria Police has exclusively revealed to the Herald…

Cops to use licence to disqualify anyone guilty of anything

Jon Kaila Herald Sun November 27, 2013 Sweeping legal changes which came into effect on September 30 allow courts to suspend or cancel the licence of any person convicted or found guilty of any offence – regardless of whether that offence has anything to do with driving. Victoria Police has exclusively revealed to the Herald…

Stanley Kubrick’s daughter stands up against government tyranny 25 Nov 2013 Alex Jones interviews Vivian Kubrick at JFK 50th anniversary memorial in Dallas during a demonstration challenging the Warren Commission’s report. [youtube=] Related articles Alex Jones Show: Monday (11-25-13) Dan Bongino & Vivian Kubrick ( Alex Jones Makes Historic Stand Against Tyranny at JFK Memorial ( The Alex Jones Show : Dan…

Fluoride court case continues

Jim Tucker 26 Nov 2013 NZ Herald In legal terms, there is no practical difference between putting chlorine or fluoride into public water supplies, the High Court in New Plymouth heard today. In each case, the purpose is the improvement or maintenance of public health, senior Crown counsel Austin Powell told a judicial review into…