Behind Obama’s Change of Cuba Policy

Jack A. Smith | Global Research | December 23, 2014 “The United States seems destined to plague us with miseries in the name of liberty.” – Simon Bolivar, the Liberator of Latin America  “Once the United States is in Cuba, who will get it out?”  – José Martí, Cuban national hero. Fair minded people and governments around the world have…

Regime Change In Cuba

Paul Craig Roberts | 19 Dec 2014 Normalization of relations with Cuba is not the result of a diplomatic breakthrough or a change of heart on the part of Washington. Normalization is a result of US corporations seeking profit opportunities in Cuba, such as developing broadband Internet markets in Cuba. Before the American left and…

Thaw in US-Cuba Relations?

Stephen Lendman | Global Research | December 18, 2014 On December 17, the Havana Times headlined “Obama Announces New US Approach on Cuba,” saying: “In a surprise announcement today US President Obama has taken sweeping steps to re-launch US relations with Cuba.” “Talks between Washington and Havana have actually been going on secretly in Canada for a…