The Necessity of Kindness

Hatchard Report | 27 May 2022 This morning Jacinda Ardern received an honorary doctorate from Harvard University, hitting out in her acceptance speech against keyboard warriors spreading disinformation: “When facts are turned into fiction, and fiction turned into fact, you stop debating ideas and you start debating conspiracy.” Was she echoing Orwell’s 1984? “His mind slid away…

Hypocrisy of elites

Bad Cattitude | 7 Dec 2021 Excuse me if this is an obvious question to which everyone knows the answer and kittens do not, but: do you ever worry that maybe none of these people actually believe a word that they say? because it seems like probably these are all just poses by posers. and…

Hillary’s EmailGate Goes Nuclear

Observer News | 9 Jan 2015 Does the latest release of Hillary’s State Department emails include highly classified U.S. intelligence?   Back in October I told you that Hillary Clinton’s email troubles were anything but over, and that the scandal over her misuse of communications while she was Secretary of State was sure to get…