A Public Bank Option for Scotland

By Ellen Brown Global Research, September 17, 2014   Scottish voters will go to the polls on September 18th to decide whether Scotland should become an independent country. As video blogger Ian R. Crane colorfully puts the issues and possibilities: [T]he People of Scotland have an opportunity to extricate themselves from the socio-psychopathic global corporatists…

Scotland’s Exit: An Earthquake for Britain

Dennis McShane | The Globalist | 8 Sept 2014 London has already lost in the fight for Scottish independence. The electric shock going through London political elites cannot be underestimated, as the first opinion poll showing a majority for an independent Scotland is published. If Scotland does vote to separate from England, it will provoke…

Bilderberg Bullies, Krugman And Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, Snarl At Scots

Culture of Life News | 8 Sept 2014 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEOOZDbMrgE?feature=player_embedded&w=640&h=360] It increasingly looks like, despite the news that the Prince of England is spawning more children, the Scots want to exit this lovely hotel and live on their own which has thoroughly enraged the Bilderberg gang which wants to decimate many countries but not their…