The Blenheim UFO mystery

Stuff | 28 March 2018 Eileen Moreland went out to milk the cows one morning in the South Island town of Blenheim in 1959. She returned home about 80 minutes later with an extraordinary story. She claimed a large craft descended from the sky and hovered above her. Her statement was full of astonishing detail.…

Is there anyone out there? UFO sightings reported in NZ

NZ Herald | 12 May 2016 [youtube] Is there anyone out there? If you get the feeling we’re not alone you could well be right, if the latest list of reported UFO sightings is anything to go by. Over the past six years, 10 unexplained sightings have been recorded by authorities. There’s no close…

Joe Rogan and Dr Steven Greer on the UFO ‘Disclosure Project’

Joe Rogan | 4 March 2013 [youtube] [AM editor’s note: the issue over whether or not UFOs and E.T.s exist; have visited Earth and made contact with humans is becoming less controversial with the increasing catalogue of evidence from ‘official’ sources supporting the proposition (also see here and here). The trouble that disclosure advocates…

SOMETHING Has Landed In Canada And MILITARY Has It Surrounded

Conspiracy Club | 22 Feb 2015 In response to reports this week of mysterious lights over Jackhead Reservation in Manitoba, Canada, a possible UFO crash into Lake Winnipeg and military forces on snowmobiles pulling a large disc out of the lake, a spokesperson for the Canadian Forces said it was just a military training exercise.…