Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse?

Mercola | 30 July 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE The PBS Frontline documentary “The Untouchables,” which originally aired in 2013, investigates the cause of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, and why Wall Street crooks escaped fraud charges related to the sale of bad mortgages Not one Wall Street executive was held accountable for this massive crisis, yet evidence…

World Government ‘pandemic treaty’ for viruses!? World Health Organization agrees to negotiate a ‘pandemic treaty’ to prevent next outbreak

Climate Depot | 1 Dec 2021 WHO ‘pandemic treaty’ may seek to enforce global lockdowns?! “An international agreement to prevent and deal with future pandemics”complete with a “legally binding” agreement. WaPo: Less than a week after the new omicron variant of the coronavirus was reported to the World Health Organization, global leaders on Wednesday agreed to start negotiations to create…

Terrorism made in the USA; A New World Order: A Threat to Sovereign States

Prof Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research| March 11, 2015 perdana global peace foundation [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YExwxN4CT8?feature=player_embedded&w=640&h=360] Prominent academic and author Dr Michel Chossudovsky warned that the so-called war on terrorism is a front to propagate America’s global hegemony and create a New World Order. Dr Chossudovsky said terrorism is made in the US and that terrorists are…