Bill Gates Agenda Exposed By Robert Kennedy Jr

Great Game India | 13 Apr 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former American President John F. Kennedy, in a lengthy piece exposed Bill Gates agenda in India and his “obsession with vaccines”. Interestingly, as GreatGameIndia readers may recall, Jr Kennedy’s message come days after Robert Kennedy’s grand-daughter and her son were found dead in suspicious circumstances. Almost…

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Following Last Week’s Release Attorney Clevenger Alleges Office of DNI Has Communications Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks – Russia Collusion a Lie!

Gateway Pundit | 10 May 2020 In June 2016, Ellen Nakashima, a Deep State favorite from the Washington Post, released a report that the Democrat National Committee (DNC) had been hacked by Russia.  The firm that validated this was Crowdstrike and its President Shawn Henry confirmed the claims.  In December 2016, Ms. Nakashima followed up her reporting with the outlandish…

Guest Post: The Medicine is Definitely Worse

Kiwiblog | 9 May 2020 Since my guest post on the cost/benefit of New Zealand’s Level 4 lockdown, it has become evident that the benefits of Level 4 are much lower than we all thought – when expressed in terms of lives saved. ”Many people who die of Covid would have died anyway within a short period,”…

Covid: the numbers game, the fraud, and the final answer

Jon Rappoport | 5 May 2020 I want to make a vital distinction that clears up confusion. When people—for example, medical researchers—are playing a game to further their purpose, and the game is a fraud, you have two ways to go. You can ENTER THEIR GAME, temporarily, to show how, in their own terms, by…