Pfizer sued for “false and deceptive” COVID-19 vaccine claims

MARYANNE DEMASI, PHD | 2 Dec 2023 I, and others, have reported on the exaggerated claims made by vaccine manufacturers about the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines. In November 2020 for example, Pfizer published results in a press release claiming its mRNA vaccine was “95% effective against COVID-19.” The statistic was widely cited by politicians, academics, and the media.…

Congress Must Hold the CDC Accountable for Cozy Ties to Pharma

PAUL D. THACKER | 30 Nov 2023 Why won’t congressional investigators force the CDC Director to explain why Pfizer and Moderna’s PR firm is embedded at the agency’s vaccine center? Congressional leaders with the House Energy and Commerce investigative subcommittee will question CDC Director Mandy Cohen tomorrow in what should be an interesting hearing on restoring public…

Fools for Pharma

Paul D Thacker | 24 Oct 2023 Guest essay by Kim Witczak, globally renowned advocate for pharmaceutical drug safety and FDA reform. Hello readers, today’s essay comes from Kim Witczak, who serves as a consumer representative to a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee, and has spent the last two decades advocating for better…

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’

CNBC | 11 April 2018 Goldman Sachs analysts attempted to address a touchy subject for biotech companies, especially those involved in the pioneering “gene therapy” treatment: cures could be bad for business in the long run. “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” analysts ask in an April 10 report entitled “The Genome Revolution.” “The…

Cough Syrup Poisoning and its Deadly Effects

Trust the Evidence | 12 Oct 2023 Commercial influences and deceit leading to the poisoning of children You’ve probably all tried a cough syrup at some point; you may have given it to your children, but recently, global contamination has proven fatal. Cough syrup produced by one manufacturer, Digital Vision Pharma, has killed dozens of children in…