Liberalism, Progressivism, Leftism

Eugyppius | 20 May 2022 A response to some reader criticism. My piece on conservative failure to oppose leftist policies provoked various lines of critique. Some wondered whether I’m using terms like “liberal” and “leftist” coherently, while others objected to the ideological frame, suggesting that our problems are better located with a rapacious oligarchy that has…

Connoisseur of Chaos

City Journal | Winter 2017 The dystopian vision of George Soros, billionaire funder of the Left When the dust was cleared and the debris swept away, he stood revealed as Hillary Clinton’s most generous billionaire donor. Yet his name rarely surfaced during the presidential campaign—and that’s generally the way he likes it. Dark Money, Jane…

Who Rules the Anglosphere?

VT | 5 Aug 2016 America’s real rulers have access to immense fortunes, operate behind the scenes, and enjoy near-absolute power “[The Controllers of the Invisible Government] would continue to grow in strength, until they had the whole silly world, the whole credulous world, the whole ingenuous world, in their hands. Anyone who would challenge them,…

Why is Hillary Clinton talking to Laurence Rockefeller and holding a book about extraterrestrials?

Vicky Tops | 23 May 2016 [youtube]   As most of you probably already know, Hillary is a former Secretary of State for the Obama administration and currently a 2016 presidential candidate. She is also a longtime politician. Laurence Rockefeller was the fourth child of John D. Rockefeller Jr., from the well-known Rockefeller family…

Which Corporations Control the World?

International Business Guide | 13 June 2016 A surprisingly small number of corporations control massive global market shares. How many of the brands below do you use? It’s a Small World at the Top: Banking Largest banks hold a total of $25.1 trillion:[1] 1.) ICBC, China, $2.95 trillion in assets, over 18,000 outlets, 108 branches…

The Bank Robber

The New Yorker | 30 May 2016 Issue The computer technician who exposed a Swiss bank’s darkest secrets. A few days before Christmas in 2008, Hervé Falciani was in a meeting at his office, in Geneva, when a team of police officers arrived to arrest him. Falciani, who was thirty-six, worked for H.S.B.C., then the…

U.S., UK, and EU, Are Now Dictatorships

Strategic Culture Foundation | 22 May 2016 How can it be that in virtually all of the Presidential-candidate head-to-head Democratic versus Republican polling that was done of both Democratic and Republican candidates during the primaries, the preferred Democratic candidate against any one of the Republican candidates was Bernie Sanders, but he almost certainly won’t be that Party’s nominee (and…