The One Paragraph You Need To Read From The JFK Assassination Files That May Change Everything

Zero Hedge | October 28, 2017 warns that one haunting paragraph unearthed from 3,000 never-before-seen documents will shake Patriots to their core about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Or perhaps worse. Make that haunting three paragraphs. This is not pretty. But it is likely President Donald Trump understands what Kennedy comprehended, which…


Matt Ridley | 19 Oct 2017 Politics is increasingly about motives, not results   My Times column on how intentions are taken to matter more than what works:   The curse of modern politics is an epidemic of good intentions and bad outcomes. Policy after policy is chosen and voted on according to whether it means well,…

Bill Clinton sought State’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision

The Hill | 19 Oct 2017 As he prepared to collect a $500,000 payday in Moscow in 2010, sought clearance from the State Department to meet with a key board director of the Russian nuclear energy firm Rosatom — which at the time needed the Obama administration’s approval for a controversial uranium deal, government records show. Arkady Dvorkovich,…