Canada Turns Militaristic – Blowback Follows

Ron Paul | 26 Oct 2014 In 1968 the government of Canada decided to openly admit Americans seeking to avoid being drafted into the US war on Vietnam. Before, would-be immigrants were technically required to prove that they had been discharged from US military service. This move made it easier for Americans to escape President…

Canadian Fear Campaign: “Islamic Extremists” and the Dubious Role of Intelligence Agencies

By Julie Lévesque | Global Research, October 24, 2014   With the killing of a Canadian soldier in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, on October 20, and the shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on October 22, the Canadian authorities and the mainstream media have already decided. Without evidence, they are blaming “Islamic extremism” for both incidents, even though…

Canadian Terror Wave: a Modern-Day Gladio

By Tony Cartalucci | Global Research | October 23, 2014   AM editor’s note: as NZ PM John Key attempts to prevaricate with sophistry and lies the terrorist threat to NZ; should NZ’ers expect a staged event on NZ soil if the PM’s neo-con fear-mongering fails? Is a NZSIS-CIA-Mossad ‘Operation Gladio’ in NZ a viable proposition?…

Canada Police Caught Staging False Flag

by | October 22, 2014 Infowars reporter Joe Biggs covers the shooting at Parliament Hill in Ottawa Canada and how Canadian police have been caught staging a false flag in the past during the Toronto G20 when undercover police engaged in purposeful provocation. [youtube]