Control the Metal, Control the World

Pirate Wires | 15 July 2022 A new era of industry, China’s dominance in critical materials, and what America must do about it Today, China controls between 70 to 90% of all rare earth metals on the planet, hinging the fate of our entire technological infrastructure on an increasingly-hostile foreign superpower that has already used…

The myth of Nordic Socialism

ECN | 20 Aug 2016 Socialists everywhere and the likes of Bernie Sanders have constantly alluded to Finland, Sweden and Denmark has champions of Democratic Socialism. They have all claimed that these states are the best examples of how socialism can work, and that the United States must become like them. But are these models…

Video: Socialism makes people selfish

ECN | 18 July 2016 Since the global economic collapse, the standard argument has become: socialism is altruistic, a virtuous model that should be embraced by nations and governments all over the world. This is a common statement made on college campuses, legislative properties and online comments sections. However, the opposite is true: socialism makes…

Why Brexit Is Better for Britain

Mises Institute | 19 June 2016 On 23 June 2016, the people of Great Britain will vote whether to stay in the European Union (EU) or leave it. The pro-EU camp argues that leaving the EU will cost Britain dearly in terms of economic prosperity, financial stability, and domestic security. In fact, people are being…

Video: 3 myths of capitalism

Economic Collapse News | 5 May 2016 Capitalism has garnered a bad reputation in recent years, despite bringing more people out of poverty than any other type of system in the history of the world. LearnLiberty has a new video out that outlines three myths of capitalism, explained by Dr. Jeffrey Miron from Harvard University.…