Obama Gave Over 1,500 Terrorists Asylum in US, Documents Reveal

Infowars.com | September 29, 2015 Documents obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the Obama administration gave more than 1,500 terrorists asylum in the United States in 2014. According to the government watchdog, “the administration let 1,519 ‘inadmissible’ foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed ‘while under duress.’” “Before…

The Mainstream Media Is Dying and Here’s Why

Tony Cartalucci | 28 Sept 2015 Seymour Hersh has risked much over his decades of journalism. He is a true journalist who has been attacked, slandered, and shunned by all sides simply because he seems to resist taking any side. When he reported on US atrocities in Vietnam, he was first attacked and denounced as…

11 “Hijackers” Trained on U.S. Military Bases

Infowars | 24 Feb 2007 In original reports (i.e., not simply going off the reports of other news agencies) by Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Associated Press, and Gannett News Service, the below accused 9/11 hijackers have been named as having trained at U.S. military bases: Saeed Alghamdi…

Industry Waste Exec Demands Increase of Toxic Fluoride Disposal, Via Nationwide Fluoride in Drinking Water

Scoop | 29 Sept 2015 John Pfahlert, Water New Zealand’s CEO, has made repeated calls to roll out nationwide mandatory fluoridation, over-riding communities that have already rejected the outdated practice, or have remained happily free from fluoridation. Water New Zealand is an industry lobby group, formed from the now dissolved New Zealand Sewage and Industrial…

Climate Murder Conspiracy Complaint Dismissed

GWPF | 28 Sept 2015 Pope’s Climate Adviser Fails (Again) A Cambridge professor who claimed that assassins may have murdered three British scientists investigating the impact of global warming has had a complaint against The Times dismissed by the press regulator. Peter Wadhams said in an interview that he feared he might also have been targeted himself.…