Europe’s Attack on Greek Democracy

Joseph E Stiglitz | 27 June 2015 NEW YORK – The rising crescendo of bickering and acrimony within Europe might seem to outsiders to be the inevitable result of the bitter endgame playing out between Greece and its creditors. In fact, European leaders are finally beginning to reveal the true nature of the ongoing debt…

Award-Winning Comedian: Politically Correct Left Has Killed Comedy

Paul Joseph Watson | June 29, 2015 “It’s the liberal agenda that dictates what can and cannot be joked about” Bafta award-winning comedian Stephen Merchant argues that the authoritarian left has killed comedy, with satirists afraid to crack controversial jokes for fear of offending politically correct sensibilities. In an interview with the Telegraph, Merchant, co-writer…

What Skeptics Should Know about Homeopathy

HES | 18 June 2015 Undeniable Evidence for Homeopathic Medicine By Dana Ullman, MPH It is amazing that so many skeptics are so misinformed about homeopathy, and it is ironic (to be diplomatic) that these skeptics hold themselves out as “defenders of science,” while being embarrassingly ignorant of the “body of evidence” that verifies the…

Vladimir Putin on France and Europe: “The NATO members have renounced their sovereignty”

Sayed Hasan | 28 June 2015 “As you know, the modern world, especially the Western world, is highly monopolised and many Western countries – whether they want to hear this or not – have voluntarily given up a considerable part of their sovereignty. To some extent, this is a result of the politics of blocs. Sometimes we find it very difficult to come to terms with them on geopolitical issues. It is hard…

A Bad Day For Democracy

ICH | 28 June 2015 The Eurogroup Meeting of 27th June 2015 will not go down as a proud moment in Europe’s history. Ministers turned down the Greek government’s request that the Greek people should be granted a single week during which to deliver a Yes or No answer to the institutions’ proposals – proposals…

The Pentagon Goes Nuclear On Russia

Pepe Escobar | RT | June 26, 2015 We’re talking about the unthinkable here; a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russia We all remember how, in early June, President Putin announced that Russia would deploy more than 40 new ICBMs “able to overcome even the most technically advanced anti-missile defense systems.” Oh dear; the Pentagon and…