‘Autism’ Reported as Vaccine Side Effect, FDA Insert Shows

Adan Salazar | 31 March 2016 Discontinued vaccine contained thimerosal, aluminum and formaldehyde A vaccine insert available via the US Food and Drug Administration website lists “autism” as one of many reported severe adverse side effects. Sanofi Pasteur’s whooping cough vaccine Tripedia, which was designed to be administered in five doses between six weeks and…

ISIS ‘Department of Artifacts’ document exposes antique loot trade via Turkey (RT EXCLUSIVE)

RT | 31 April 2016 See video A new trove of documents, obtained by an RT Documentary crew who recently uncovered details of illicit ISIS oil business with Turkey, sheds light on jihadists’ lucrative trade of looted antiquities along their well-established oil and weapons transit routes. There is no official accounting that would illustrate the…

NZ government spies without warrant

NZ Herald | 31 March 2016 Concern over an imminent terrorist act led our internal intelligence agency to carry out urgent surveillance without a legal warrant under special new powers. It is unclear whether the suspected terrorist activity was aimed inside New Zealand or offshore. The fact was revealed in a sparse report from Security…

Saudi Arabia Uncovered

VT | 29 March 2016 See how long it takes the head choppers to get their YouTube cronies to block this one as well [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLtLeK7YLGY&w=854&h=480] Related Posts: Saudi Arabia forces social media websites to delete Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s fan pages Analyst: Saudi Arabia, Turkey Plotting to Transfer ISIL to Jordan from Syria Saudi Arabia…

US Govt Secret Program to Ship Arms to Middle East Terrorists

Adan Salazar | 30 March 2016 An expert researcher investigating the ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious gun walking scandal has discovered the operation is ongoing and is likely serving as a conduit for a global gun ring. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV59stJjtYE?rel=0] Speaking to radio host Alex Jones Tuesday, Lt. Col. Matt Smith-Meck, working on behalf of slain…

Vegetarianism can lead to heart disease and cancer

NZ Herald | 30 March 2016 Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations that raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found. Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA that makes them susceptible to inflammation. Scientists in the…

Full history exposed: Tribeca Film Festival carrying out Nazi agenda of genocide, eugenics and extermination via ‘science’ and medicine

Natural News | 28 March 2016 With a massive backlash now mounting against Robert De Niro for censoring an independent film on vaccines, the Tribeca Film Festival has been subjected to intense scrutiny across independent media as journalists seek to discover who got to De Niro and what did they threaten him with? After being…