Use of face masks did not impact COVID-19 incidence among 10–12-year-olds in Finland

medRxiv | 7 Apr 2022 Aapo Juutinen, Emmi Sarvikivi, Päivi Laukkanen-Nevala, Otto Helve doi: In fall 2021 in Finland, the recommendation to use face masks in schools for pupils ages 12 years and above was in place nationwide. Some cities recommended face masks for younger pupils as well. Our aim was to compare COVID-19 incidence among 10–12-year-olds between cities with different recommendations…

Sanitation, Nutrition Better Than Vaccines at Protecting Children From Disease, Study Shows

The Defender | 26 Apr 2022 Using data from India, researchers from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) modestly propose sanitation improvements “may play a role in strengthening [young] children’s immune response” and reducing their disease burden, while vaccine campaigns can’t come close to making the same claims. In the 19th century, improvements in quality-of-life…

The dose makes the poison

Alex Berenson | 21 Apr 2022 A major new study adds more evidence that Moderna’s high-dose mRNA shots are more dangerous than Pfizer’s smaller jabs; will public health bureaucrats acknowledge reality as they push more boosters? A huge new study shows mRNA shots sharply raised the risk of dangerous heart damage in Scandinavians who received…

Masks fail their biggest test in Bangladesh

Steve Kirsch | 15 Apr 2022 Masks do not work to protect anyone from SARS-CoV-2. It’s all based on sloppy science. We asked the senior author of the Bangladesh mask study to defend his study. He failed. Badly. Very badly. Summary The CDC just decided to continue the transportation mask mandate for another two weeks. Dr.…

FDA flu shot fail

ICAN | 15 Apr 2022 You’ve heard the saying: Insanity is repeating the same failed actions in the expectation of different results. Once again, the FDA is exemplifying this pattern of human folly with its latest round of flu shots. Once again, we are fighting back through our attorneys with a recent letter to VRBPAC and the…

Does Covid-19 Contain Genetic Sequences From Snake Venom?

Hatchard Report | 14 Apr 2022 An article in Scientific American back in January 2020 reported: “Snakes—the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra—may be the original source of the newly discovered coronavirus that has triggered an outbreak of a deadly infectious respiratory illness in China this winter.” The article originated from a Chinese authored paper published in the Journal of…