Turkey Threatens To Invade Greece

Zero Hedge | 19 Feb 2018 In an incident that took place less than two weeks after the Greek Defense Ministry announced that Turkey had violated Greek airspace 138 times in a single day, a Turkish coast guard patrol boat on February 13 rammed a Greek coast guard vessel off the shore of Imia, one of many Greek islands over…

Professor threatened for research on China's extra-state exertion of influence.

NZ Herald | 16 Feb 2018 A New Zealand academic who made international waves researching China’s international influence campaigns has linked a number of recent break-ins to her work. University of Canterbury professor Anne-Marie Brady, speaking today from Christchurch to the Australian Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee in Canberra, outlined three recent events which caused…

Dutch FM Admits Lying About Putin / Russia

The Intercept | 13 Feb 2018 Every empire needs a scary external threat, led by a singular menacing villain, to justify its massive military expenditures, consolidation of authoritarian powers, and endless wars. For the five decades after the end of World War II, Moscow played this role perfectly. But the fall of Soviet Union meant,…