Turkey Threatens To Invade Greece

Zero Hedge | 19 Feb 2018 In an incident that took place less than two weeks after the Greek Defense Ministry announced that Turkey had violated Greek airspace 138 times in a single day, a Turkish coast guard patrol boat on February 13 rammed a Greek coast guard vessel off the shore of Imia, one of many Greek islands over…

Exposing US-Funded "NGOs"

The New Atlas | 9 Aug 2016 From Moscow to Myanmar, US-European funded organisations undermine the essential work of genuine NGOs. A nongovernmental organisation (NGO) is described as a not-for-profit organisation independent from states and international governments. They are funded by donations and facilitated by volunteers drawn from the communities they serve. Genuine NGOs fitting…

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

Global Research | 17 May 2016 The following article was initially published in 1997. It is in part based on the work of William Blum. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II, 1995 (GR Ed. M. Ch.) By Steve Kangas The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of…

Pentagon Prepares Another War in Libya

WSWS | 29 Jan 2016 A little less than five years after launching a war against Libya on the “humanitarian” pretext of preventing a supposedly imminent massacre, the United States and its European allies are preparing a new military assault against the oil-rich North African country under the bloodstained banner of the “war on terrorism.”…

Slave Descendant? Don’t Call Me Dave!

SCF | 4 Oct 2015 British Prime Minister David Cameron had some stiff upper-lip advice for Jamaicans while on an official visit this week to the Caribbean state. He was urged to make a formal apology for Britain’s historic role in the transatlantic slave trade and to consider monetary reparations for the descendants of African…

French presidency has “kill list” of people targeted for assassination

WSWS | 19 Aug 2015 In the name of the “war on terror,” the French state is dramatically accelerating its use of clandestine operations to extra-judicially murder targeted individuals. French President François Hollande reportedly possesses a “kill list” of potential targets and constantly reviews the assassination programme with high-ranking military and intelligence officers. This programme…

The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor

EIR | 31 July 2015 The revelations of the deep affinity between numerous members of the British royal family and Adolf Hitler—in light of the central role which British policy is playing both in the imposition of a brutal austerity policy on all of Europe, and in the confrontation course with Russia and China—ranks among…