Japan to release 300 million gallons of radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean … with no notice

Full Measure | 4 July 2022 https://fullmeasure.news/news/shows/fukushima-06-30-2022 Ten years ago, the nuclear accident at a power plant in Fukushima, Japan became the second worst nuclear accident in the world, following the Chernobyl, Soviet Union disaster of 1986. The radiation release forced a mass evacuation and sent radioactivity as far as the west coast of the…

Fukushima: They Knew

Greg Palast | 10 March 2016 “Completely and Utterly Fail in an Earthquake” The Fukushima story you didn’t hear on CNN On the Fifth Anniversary of the meltdown, the con continues I’ve seen a lot of sick stuff in my career, but this was sick on a new level. Here was the handwritten log kept…

Political Coverup of Iraq Atrocities

Dissident Voice | 4 Jan 2016 Nothing justifies killing of innocent people. — Tony Blair, CNN, January 15th, 2015 A little over three months short of the thirteenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq (March 20th, 2003) now widely accepted as unlawful even by the former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, it has emerged that…

VIDEO: Cancer epidemic underway in Fukushima — Rates up 6,000% says head of cancer research center

ENENews | 4 Feb 2015 “This is definitely a holocaust… everything’s being swept under the rug” — “Very, very frightening… my family members are brainwashed” t 8:00 — Already, 85 children have had surgeries for thyroid cancer, there are 112-113 children who are suspected of having cancer. When children get cancers it progresses very quickly.…

Top Scientist: Another Fukushima Quake Would Mean US Evacuation, ‘Bye Bye Japan’ Top Scientist: Another Fukushima Quake Would Mean US Evacuation, ‘Bye Bye Japan’

Infowars.com 6 Nov 2013 Anthony Gucciardi Award winning scientist David Suzuki has gone on record in a public talk posted online just days ago in saying that in the event of another seven or above earthquake, which he says has about a 95% chance of occurring over the next three years, it would mean a…