WikiLeaks Releases 500K U.S. Cables from 1978 on Iran, Sandinistas, Afghanistan, Israel & More

Democracy Now! | 28 May 2015 [youtube] On Wednesday, WikiLeaks added more than half a million U.S. diplomatic cables from 1978 to its Public Library of US Diplomacy database. The documents include diplomatic cables and other diplomatic communications from and to U.S. embassies and missions in nearly every country. “1978 actually set in progress…

US Cries FIFA Foul to Penalise Russia

SCF | 28 May 2015 The saying goes: don’t mix politics and sport. That is exactly what the United States’ authorities seem to be doing over this week’s dramatic arrests of World Cup officials and allegations of rampant fraud amounting to $150 million. The ostensible American concern is to clean up the tarnished image of…

Saudi deal: bribe or facilitation payment?

NZ Herald | 30 May 2015 Auditor-General Lyn Provost must investigate Murray McCully’s secret Saudi deal, which is attracting far too much adverse comment on the international stage to be easily swept under the carpet. Cabinet documents do not shed sufficient light on why McCully spearheaded an initiative which at its kindest interpretation resulted in…

Obama’s Gun-Running Operation: Weapons and Support for “Islamic Terrorists” in Syria and Iraq.

Julie Lévesque | Global Research, May 28, 2015 “Create Constructive Chaos” and “Redraw the Map of the Middle East” Newly disclosed Pentagon documents prove what we’ve known for a while now: the Obama administration knew as early as 2012 that weapons were being sent from Benghazi, Libya, to rebels in Syria. The U.S. government also knew…

The FIFA Distraction Exposed

Infowars  | May 29, 2015 It must have been “Let’s pretend we work for the American People” day over at the Justice Dept.. Newly appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch dropped the hammer on World Cup Soccer Executives, issuing warrants for their arrests regarding the accumulation of over $150 million received by employing methods of racketeering,…

Ahead Of Israel Expulsion Vote U.S. Orders Raid On FIFA

Moon of Alabama | 27 May 2015 Today the U.S. ordered Swiss police to raid, incarcerate and extradite to the U.S. six FIFA officials for alleged corruption. The raid, with obviously pre-alarmed New York Times reporters on the scene, comes shortly before a FIFA vote to expel Israel from the association. This Friday the world…