The not-so-sweet facts about aspartame

FLCCC | 10 June 2023 Newly released findings from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend against the use of non-sugar substitutes. The question is, what took so long? Consuming too much sugar has massive pro-inflammatory impacts. Virtually every disease, including neurological conditions, has inflammation at its core. Aspartame (also known by its popular brand name…

Study: Artificial Sweeteners may promote diabetes

Malcolm Ritter | AP | 17 Sept 2014 Using artificial sweeteners may set the stage for diabetes in some people by hampering the way their bodies handle sugar, suggests a preliminary study done mostly in mice. The authors said they are not recommending any changes in how people use artificial sweeteners based on their study,…

New Study Could Spell The End For Diet Soda And Aspartame

July 11 2014 | From: WeSupportOrganic As concerns about health epidemics plague the nation, demand and sales of diet soda have plunged as consumers try to make better choices. As we reported yesterday, aspartame–the main sweetener for diet soda–is one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply, causing seizures and a host…