Mulder and Scully nailed it in 2016!

Mark Crispin Miller | 7 June 2022 A year before Dr. Fauci predicted the “pandemic” under Trump, “The X-Files” foretold its use to cull the human race, and crush America The prevision is amazing. Well this old snippet of X-Files just totally freaked me out. Freakiest thing I’ve seen all month. And last. —…

Pfizer has a plan to MURDER doctors who’ve been talking up safe early COVID remedies, according to Dr. Zelenko (who’s been warned to hire security, as has Dr. Bryan Ardis)

Mark Crispin Miller | 29 Mar 2022 Such honest healers are impeding Big Pharma’s “Final Solution”—i.e., to get EVERYBODY not just jabbed, but also taking Dr. Fauci’s poisonous remdesevir as an “early COVID treatment” Dr. Zelenko on the Stew Peters Show: If you think his story is far-fetched, you probably don’t know (since “our…

Variant Xi

Mike Solana | 15 Dec 2021 pirate wires #58 // recalling UFOs, the invisible virus, war on nuclear meets the war on space, and america’s vanishing act Bear with me for a minute, this one’s kind of weird. Four years ago this Thursday, the New York Times broke one of the most incredible stories in…

Dr. David Martin released some documents

Jessica Rose | 11 Dec 2021 Send them by registered mail to your local State Attorney General Dr. David Martin is an extraordinary human being. No really. He’s a Creator. In whatever field you can think of. He has a true desire to bring humanity to the levels that humans could potentially go if not for their…

David Icke heads to New Zealand

NZ Herald | 12 July 2016 Thousands of Australians are paying hundreds of dollars to sit in a room for 12 hours and hear a conspiracy theorist talk about a race of shape-shifting reptiles who control human behaviour. And he’s coming to New Zealand. It’s a laughable theory and David Icke gets laughed out of…