Bilderberg 2015 Location Confirmed

Steve Watson | | January 30, 2015 Austrian counter-terrorism, special-ops forces to run security   The location and dates of the forthcoming 2015 gathering of secretive elites under the Bilderberg Group banner has been confirmed. Local police have verified that the conference will take place at the opulent Interalpen Hotel, in the Austrian mountains…

The Forbidden Truth: Islamic State (ISIS) Recruiter Admits Getting Funds from America

Stephen Lendman | Global Research | January 30, 2015 Call it one of many US dirty secrets. Washington covertly recruits, funds, arms, trains, and directs extremist Islamic State and other Takfiri terrorists. The same ones it lies about waging war on. Uses them as proxies against its adversaries. Notably during Obama’s tenure against Libya’s Gaddafi. Currently…