New study wrecks claim of “99% consensus” in published climate studies — really only a “32% consensus.”

Steve Milloy | 1 Dec 2023 Of 3,000 papers considered by @mark_lynas in his 2021 study: – 282 were not climate-related; – Only 892 (32%) of the remaining 2,718, affirmatively supported the “consensus.” New Study:… 2021 Lynas study:… Discussion:

Three Graphs That Show There Is No ‘Climate Crisis’

JOHN STADDON | 26 Nov 2023 As the West fitfully weakens industrial civilisation by trying to eliminate oil, coal and natural gas as energy sources, the scientific basis for Net Zero is based more on ‘general agreement’ than hard data. Climate scientists nevertheless sound optimistic about the progress that’s being made in destroying society’s carbon energy base.…

Washington Post Attack on Nobel Prize-Winning Climate Sceptic Backfires Spectacularly

CHRIS MORRISON | 23 Nov 2023 The Washington Post recently broke mainstream media ranks and launched a spiteful attack on last year’s Nobel Physics prize winner, Dr. John Clauser. Recently Dr. Clauser has come out strongly against the notion that there is a climate emergency, but his remarks have been ignored by journalists following a ‘settled’ narrative. Unfortunately, the WaPo stunt…

Unsustainable: The UN’s Agenda For World Domination

Wide Awake Media | 19 Nov 2023 The “human-induced climate change” hoax is a trojan horse through which unelected globalist bodies such as the United Nations, are attempting to seize totalitarian control over every minute detail of our lives, under the pretext of “saving the planet”. From the documentary, ‘Unsustainable: The UN’s Agenda For World…

Climate narrative ship-wrecked: Gulf of Mexico coral reefs thriving despite ‘hottest summer.’Climate narrative ship-wrecked:

Steve Milloy 19 Nov 2023 Gulf of Mexico coral reefs thriving despite ‘hottest summer.’… Recall we learned last year that we had been lied to for decades about Great Barrier Reef coral being hurt by ‘climate change.’… Reality: Coral reefs grow, die back and re-grow naturally. Hoax: That emissions have anything to do…

West Antarctica Temperature FALLS 2°C in 20 Years

CHRIS MORRISON | 11 Nov 2023 The continent of Antarctica is a difficult hunting ground for climate apocalypse fanatics since there has been barely any overall warming over the last 70 years. The exception is West Antarctica where there has been some local climate variation, possibly helped by significant geothermal activity. Of course this is…

A new scientific paper contends the entire foundation of the man-made global-warming theory is wrong

Robin Monotti | 18 Oct 2023 Study blows ‘greenhouse theory out of the water’ ‘All observed climatic changes have natural causes completely outside of human control’ “A new scientific paper contends the entire foundation of the man-made global-warming theory – the assumption that greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere by trapping heat – is wrong. The paper argues…