Snowden: Best Film of the Year

Foreign Policy Journal | 16 Sept 2016 Snowden is the most entertaining, informing, and important film you are likely to see this year. It’s the true story of an awakening. It traces the path of Edward Snowden’s career in the U.S. military, the CIA, the NSA, and at various contractors thereof. It also traces the…

WikiLeaks to Lynch: ‘Clinton Precedent’ Requires DOJ Drop Case Against Us

Mikael Thalen | 16 Aug 2016 In a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch Tuesday lawyers representing WikiLeaks argued that the case against their client should be dropped in light of the “Clinton precedent.” WikiLeaks lawyers to Loretta Lynch: 'Clinton precedent' requires closing DoJ case against WikiLeaks — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 16, 2016…