All the News the CIA Sees Fit to Print

Kennedy Beacon | 9 Aug 2023 John Kiriakou looked up from his desk at CIA headquarters and was stunned to see The Washington Post investigative reporter, Bob Woodward, walking through the secure area without an agency escort. On another occasion, Kiriakou—who rose at the CIA to become executive assistant to the deputy in charge of operations, the…

Video: The CIA — 70 Years in Ukraine

Global Research | 4 Apr 2022 A nine-minute segment from Part 2 of Doug Valentine’s The CIA As Organized Crime. For 70 years the CIA has been working to undermine and occupy Ukraine to bring down Russia using such things as paramilitaries, right wing Nazi groups, corrupt politicians and businessmen, coups, and warfare in the…

Ex-CIA Spy Brags About ‘Swinging’ 2020 Election With Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression Campaign

Jamie White | 28 Mar 2022 “I take special pride in swinging the election away from Trump. You’re welcome,” boasts ex-CIA National Clandestine Service officer John Sipher. A former CIA officer took to Twitter to boast about how he helped “swing” the 2020 presidential election “away from Trump” by trying to discredit the Hunter Biden…

High tech global genocidal feudalism

uTobian | 27 Nov 2021 RFK Jr.’s recent speech in Milan shines a new light on the role of the CIA in pandemic planning There is still a piece of this whole debacle that does not make sense to me. Gain of function research is just a euphemism for bioweapons research. Gain of function research…

RFK Jr. Opens ‘CIA Can of Worms’

Mercola | 2 Oct 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE February 10, 2021, Instagram banned the account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for “sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines” The real reason Kennedy is being censored is because he understands and exposes the global technocratic agenda that is pushing us toward global totalitarianism The corporate media…

Report On CIA Plans To Kidnap Assange Shows Clearest Evidence Yet Of Improper Pressure On Prosecutors

The Dissenter | 29 Sep 2021 The district judge who denied the extradition request previously dismissed evidence of improper pressure from the CIA to charge the WikiLeaks founder. Though District Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled against the United States’ extradition request, she rejected the argument from the legal team for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that hostility…

CIA MKULTRA survivors sue govt

Jamie White | 23 May 2018 ‘These were innocent people who went in for mild depression…they came out completely ravaged, their life was ruined’ Survivors and families of those victimized by Project MKULTRA, a CIA mind control program, are preparing a class-action lawsuit against the U.S. and Quebec governments due to the alleged abuse they suffered…