If Drone Strikes Are Acceptable, So Are Suicide Bombings

Tim Holmes | Medium | 30 Nov 2014 “Clinical”, “surgical”, “targeted”, “precision”. As US massacres-by-drone continue across the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia, their ugly accomplice is the bastardisation of language. Human rights group Reprieve have just calculated the number of innocent victims each drone strike claims, posing the question: by what standards are…

U.S. Drones Targeted 41 People; Killed 1,147

John Vibes | The Anti-Media | 26 Nov 2014 Earlier last year, the Obama Administration redefined “Militant” to mean “Military Aged Male”, so this way nearly any male who gets killed is considered a violent enemy, at least in the eyes of the general population. A new study using public drone strike data was recently…

NZ Fluoridation Report Misleading, International Review

Scoop | 1 Dec 2014 PRESS RELEASE Fluoride Information Network for Dentists 1/12/2014 NZ FLUORIDATION REPORT MISLEADING, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW CLAIMS A NZ report on the science of fluoridation conducted this year by the NZ Royal Society at the request of concerned city councils was of poor quality and misleading, according to an international critical review…

Nothing like a brain fade for protection

Andrea Vance | Sunday Star Times | 30 Nov 2014 OPINION: I can’t recall. Translation: prove it. The limits of our politicians’ memories are stretched often. Either that or their credibility. This week the brain fade continued to trump truth as the go-to arse-covering response to troublesome questions. During the height of the row over…

‘Jew, Judaism, Jewishness’

Gilad Atzmon | VT | 28 Nov 2014 Gilad Atzmon interviewed by Bill Alford  Three years after the publication of The Wandering Who, I discussed with Bill Alford  different aspects of Jewish power and controlled opposition. We elaborated on Identity politics and the tribal ideology that drive Zionism as well as the so-called ‘anti.’ [youtube…

‘US legitimacy waning over 9/11 hoax’

Press TV | 29 Nov 2014 A retired US Army general says America should hold public hearings to investigate 9/11 and the wars it triggered. Gen. Daniel P. Bolger, a leader of the US campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, made the comments during an exclusive interview with Truth Jihad Radio. Gen. Bolger is the author…

Globalists Exploit ISIS Threat to Empower UN

Alex Newman | The New American | 28 Nov 2014 Establishment forces from around the world are exploiting the threat posed by the terrorist group styling itself the “Islamic State,” often referred to as ISIS or ISIL, to advance globalism and to further empower the United Nations. Indeed, the barbaric terror organization, which Vice President…