El Chapo Reportedly Threatens ISIS Over Drug Trade

Prison Planet | 10 Dec 2015 “You are nothing but lowly pussies,” cartel leader allegedly tells ISIS The leader of Mexico’s deadliest drug cartel, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, reportedly threatened ISIS after its militants destroyed one of his shipments sent to the Middle East. El Chapo apparently wrote an encrypted e-mail to ISIS leader Abu…

Obama yielding to new realities in Middle East

Webster G. Tarpley | 4 Oct 2015 President Obama’s Friday news conference, although largely couched in a language of strategic deception designed to blunt the attacks of the neocon warmonger opposition, suggests that there is some ground for cautious optimism about the administration’s ability to avoid clashes with Russia as a multi-pronged attack on the…

Social Engineering 101, How to Make a Refugee Crisis: Destruction of All Prevailing Political Orders in the Middle East

New Eastern Outlook |13 September 2015 Starting in 2007, the US was already in the process of engineering the overthrow and destruction of all prevailing political orders across the Middle East and North African (MENA) region. It would be in Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s 2007 New Yorker article, “The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new…

Kuwait & Israel Admit They Refuse to Take ‘Refugees’ Because Migrants Don’t Assimilate

Paul Joseph Watson | September 11, 2015 Media labeled Hungarian Prime Minister ‘xenophobic’ when he expressed similar concerns While Europe is preparing to take in potentially millions of migrants from African and Middle Eastern countries, politicians in Israel and Kuwait admit that their policy of refusing refugees is because the migrants fail to assimilate and…