Assange, Navalny, Magnitsky, Skripal, Lira: Political Arrests, Poisonings, and Deaths

SWPRS | 20 Feb 2024 When it comes to political arrests, poisonings, and deaths, not everything is as it seems. Julian Assange (2010-2024) Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is seen as a fearless journalist by his supporters and as a “non-state hostile intelligence agent” by the US government. In 2010, Assange was ensnared by a CIA “honey trap”…

Ukraine War: New Developments

SWPRS | Oct 2022 A no-nonsense analysis of recent political and military developments in the Ukraine war. Overview: Energy situation / Military and political situation / Crimea bridge attack / War crimes and propaganda / Outlook Energy Situation In a previous analysis, it was shown that, contrary to widespread media reports, the decision to decouple Europe…

Is Russia limiting gas flows to Europe?

SWPRS | Sep 2022 Is Russia limiting gas flows to Europe? The surprising answer is: no.  Many people in Europe and beyond seem to believe that Russia, in response to Western sanctions, has been limiting gas flows to Europe. Yet this is not the case, as the following analysis shows. There are currently five major…

Ukraine bombed a Donetsk hotel full of journalists

RT | 4 Aug 2022 Another attack from Kiev has hit central Donetsk, targeting a funeral and a hotel where numerous reporters stay and work Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist. She has spent years on the ground covering conflict zones in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Palestine (where she lived for…

Lawless tyrant Zelensky echoes Nazi fascists, issues BLACKLIST of US lawmakers and journalists while skimming BILLIONS from US taxpayers

Natural News | 27 July 2022 While skimming billions of dollars from US taxpayers, Ukraine’s puppet “president” Zelensky has issued a threatening blacklist that specifically names US lawmakers and journalists as being “Russian propagandists” who should be rejected by media and society. To the shock of many, among those names are US Senator Rand Paul,…

Why the Ukraine War Is a Scam

Mercola | 4 July 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE The U.S. is using unofficial back channels to secure crucial supplies from Russia, while publicly talking about being tough on sanctions On the one hand, the West wants to appear tough on Russia by issuing trade embargoes, sanctions and bans on investments, while simultaneously being more or less…

Russia’s Ukraine Miscalculation

Paul Craig Roberts | 30 June 2022 Russia’s Ukraine miscalculation dates to 2014 when the Kremlin refused the request of the Donbass Russians in Eastern Ukraine to be reunited with Russia.  Historically part of Russia, the Donbass region was attached to the Ukrainian province of the Soviet Union by Soviet leaders as was Crimea.  These Russian populated…