Pfizer has a plan to MURDER doctors who’ve been talking up safe early COVID remedies, according to Dr. Zelenko (who’s been warned to hire security, as has Dr. Bryan Ardis)

Mark Crispin Miller | 29 Mar 2022 Such honest healers are impeding Big Pharma’s “Final Solution”—i.e., to get EVERYBODY not just jabbed, but also taking Dr. Fauci’s poisonous remdesevir as an “early COVID treatment” Dr. Zelenko on the Stew Peters Show: If you think his story is far-fetched, you probably don’t know (since “our…

Ghislaine Maxwell, Elizabeth Holmes and Me

Amanda Knox | 13 Dec 2021 Amanda Knox on why we can’t look away from female villains. There are no cameras allowed inside Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial, but that hasn’t stopped me from poring over every sketch of the courtroom scene, and analyzing each kernel of evidence that emerges.  Meanwhile, there are a lot of people on trial…

'Making a Murderer' conviction overturned

BBC | 13 Aug 2016 A US federal judge has overturned the murder conviction of Brendan Dassey, whose case was examined in Netflix’s popular Making a Murderer documentary. Dassey, 26, will be released within 90 days, unless the state decides to retry him or there is an appeal. Dassey, who has learning difficulties, and his…

Obama Releases Details of Mass-murder by Drone Program

The New American | 12 Aug 2016 The Obama administration quietly released more information on its illegal mass-murder-via-drone program, in which the White House unilaterally creates a list of people around the world to assassinate without charges, trial, or even a semblance of due process. Thousands of victims have already been executed by Obama under…

Hillary Clinton Murder List: Shawn Lucas, Seth Rich, Victor Thorn & Other Mysterious Deaths

Morning News USA | 8 Aug 2016 Hillary Clinton has come out with an eight-point lead over Donald Trump from the conventions of the two major parties and their aftermath. However, despite the Democratic candidate leading among registered voters, murder mysteries related to the Clintons are emerging at the same rate. The body count increases. Here’s a list…