What are we watching and listening to…?

URSULA EDGINGTON, PHD | 7 Apr 2023 The uncensored sources of information are growing by the day, here’s my long list so far…! We are all talking to more and more people who have been unaware of the extent of the censorship and propaganda over the past three years. People have diverse experiences – all…

All the News the CIA Sees Fit to Print

Kennedy Beacon | 9 Aug 2023 John Kiriakou looked up from his desk at CIA headquarters and was stunned to see The Washington Post investigative reporter, Bob Woodward, walking through the secure area without an agency escort. On another occasion, Kiriakou—who rose at the CIA to become executive assistant to the deputy in charge of operations, the…

So, COVID-19 is a Bioweapon After All, The Times Explains

Igor Chudov | 11 June 2023 Sars-Cov-2 is a result of bioweapons research, and work of Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak A fascinating article by The Times (paywall-free link) confirms that almost everything I said about the origin of Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is true. The article is well-researched and is based on interviews with scientists, intelligence…

Who Helped Overturn the “Pentagon Papers Principle”? The Washington Post and New York Times

Matt Taibbi | 5 May 2023 First reported by Michael Shellenberger, new details about the “Burisma leak” tabletop exercise of summer 2020 reveal a notable betrayal of principle by two famed papers Last December, Michael Shellenberger reported in a #TwitterFiles thread that the Aspen Institute hosted a “Hack-and-Dump Working Group” exercise in the summer of 2020 titled,…

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, and the American Empire

SWPRS | April 2023 The dark backstory of Fox News and Tucker Carlson. A nonpartisan analysis. In the wake of the recent firing of America’s most-watched cable news host by Fox News, many people are wondering: who really is Tucker Carlson, and why was he fired? From William Fox to Marc Rich to Rupert Murdoch…

Vaccine injuries become the dominant theme of German reporting on the mRNA jabs, as the Covid vaccinations face unacknowledged yet ever wider cultural and social repudiation

Eugyppius | 24 Apr 2023 The number of unflattering press stories has been growing since the bivalents flopped last Fall. Last month, German Health Minister and renowned virus pest Karl Lauterbach gave a remarkable interview in which he denounced “exorbitant” pharmaceutical profits, deplored “dismaying” vaccine injuries, and called for the manufacturers to set aside funds for…

Twitter Ditches COVID Misinformation Policy, Plans to Reveal Internal Files on ‘Free Speech Suppression’

The Defender | 29 Nov 2022 Effective Nov. 23, Twitter is “no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy,” the company said, adding that it will “soon” reveal internal files on the company’s “free speech suppression,” which could shed light on Twitter’s past actions in blocking content and banning accounts. Twitter has stopped enforcing its…