What are we watching and listening to…?


The uncensored sources of information are growing by the day, here’s my long list so far…!

We are all talking to more and more people who have been unaware of the extent of the censorship and propaganda over the past three years. People have diverse experiences – all have different questions and areas of curiosity. Many of us are learning about how to reach people still stuck in the Mass Formation. But once a curiosity is ignited – where to start?

[Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash]

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Here’s my attempt at helping with this problem… In alphabetical order, below is a random collection of multi-disciplinary voices that are counter-narrative. Many of these academics/journalists/authors have already been deplatformed from ‘mainstream’ like Twitter/YouTube/Facebook. These individuals have sometimes interviewed each other (eg Neil Oliver/John Campbell and Bret Weinstein/Aseem Malhotra) which make for particularly in-depth conversations. So many of these discussions are personal, profound and inspiring.

(part of my new bookshelf!)

Those still on mainstreams like YouTube the links are below but likely link to episodes that have been self-censored (either the authors deliberately change/omit trigger words that would get them strikes/demonetised/deleted, or they only post extracts to the episodes), with the whole episode subsequently shared on an uncensored platform they have chosen to support like Spotify, Rumble, Odysee or BitChute etc. (and/or on their own website). NB I haven’t included any authors who write under pseudonyms (although there are many experts still caught in this category, for complex reasons). Also – please do not use Google Chrome/search engine to access these sites (you may be sent to an erroneous ‘error message’ page). Instead, use a more secure, independent Browser/Search engine, such as Brave.

“Be a beacon of light for each other, in these dark times…”

Of course, I’ve undoubtedly left some people out who YOU listen to regularly – please let me know below, and I’ll add them as and when…

1.      Alexander, Dr Paul (US GP) Substack

2.      Andersen, Christian (MdEP from Germany)  – her political YouTube channel.

3.      Arora, Rav (journalist) Noble Truths (Substack).

4.      Austin-Fitts, Catherine (finance expert/economist). The Solaris Report Updates on website (some paywalled) and excerpts on YouTube.

5.      Ball, Krystal & Enjeti, Saagar (journalists) US-based independent news on Breaking Points (full versions on Spotify and Apple podcasts)

6.      Balmakov, Roman (journalist) Facts Matter YouTube or uncensored on Epoch Times TV

7.      Barnett, Rebekah (writer/researcher) regular articles about Australia as Dystopian Down Under

8.      Battacharya, Prof Jay (epidemiologist) and founder-colleagues of the Great Barrington Declaration (signed by over 50k academics + same number of general public).

9.      Baker, Chantelle (journalist) NZ-based updates via her website  and on Youtube 

10.   Been, Dr (educationalist/clinician). YouTube discussions alongside academic articles. Full website here.

11.   Bigtree, Del, (US-based journalist) regular broadcasts and interviews on The Highwire

12.   Brand, Russell, Rumble Livestream every weekday

13.   Brownstone Institute (eg see the work of the academic Fellows, like Australian Prof, UNSW, Gigi Foster)

14.   Campbell, Dr John. UK-based educator on Youtube (censored ones on Rumble)

15.   Carrigan, Tommy & his guests on TPC (this group one is great)

16.   Cole, Dr Ryan. co-writing on the growing and valuable health professionals group, for patients’ care based in USA: Front Line Critical Care Covid19 Alliance (FLCCC)

17.   Delingpole, James, on Delingpod (Apple) (also on Spotify)

18.   Desmet, Prof Mattias, (Clinician and academic at Ghent University) author The Psychology of Totalitarianism, writes on Substack

19.   Dore, Jimmy, (journalist) Livestreams on YouTube, general political comment (US-based). Also on Patreon.

20.   Dowd, Edward (Wall-Street analyst) author of this book, also on Twitter and various podcasts, including this one on Fox News.

21.   DrDr McHonkHonk (hilarious comedy) search #DoctorDoctorMcHonkHonk on Twitter, currently on Telegram.

22.   Fenton, Prof Norman, & colleagues at QMU, London (statistician) Norman’s Website or Joint Substack (Also some presentations left on YouTube).

23.   Field, Topher (writer, speaker) director of Battleground Melbourne, and on YouTube.

24.   Freeman, James. (deplatformed journalist) eg on TNT Radio (livestreams everyday, on all platforms)

25.   Frei, Viva (Canadian journalist) Youtube channel also on Locals

26.   Fridman, Lex (academic scientist) and guests on YouTube and other platforms

27.   Fuellmich, Reiner (lawyer) and colleagues currently convened as the International Crimes Investigative Committee also some archived evidence from people’s inquiry on here. Also available on Rumble, Odysee and Telegram.

28.   Furedi Prof Frank (retired sociologist) writes in various outlets, eg OpEds here

29.   Greenwald, Glenn (journalist) daily news livestream exclusively on Rumble Subscribers on Locals

30.   HART group – group of doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts -sign up to regular newsletters via their website

31.   Hatchard, Dr Guy, (British-trained scientist, based in NZ) Subscribe to his newsletters at The Hatchard Report

32.   Hillsdale College, US-based institution and source of political/economic news/events (free online courses & webinars)

33.   Hudson, Nick & colleagues at PANDA (often hold discussions on Twitter Spaces)

34.   Johnson, Ron. US Senator Newsletter  (also on Twitter).

35.   Kennedy, Robert Jr. Lots of independent interviews and documentaries via CHD-Tv

36.   Kheriarty, Dr Aaron (academic of research ethics) Website (highly recommend his recent book, The New Abnormal).

37.   Kingston, Dr Karen (legal scientist) Kingston Report on Substack

38.   Kirsch, Steve (data analyst) of TreatEarly.org writes daily on Substack

39.   Kofinas, Demitri (US based economist/finance) at Hidden Forces website and weekly podcasts on all the main platforms (uncensored behind paywall).

40.   Kory, Dr Pierre (Clinician) writes Medical Musings on Substack

41.   Lapado, Dr Joseph, (Clinician) on Twitter & here’s an interview on Rumble

42.   Lawrie, Dr Tess, (clinician) Co-founder World Council for Health website & Tess’ Substack A Better Way to Health

43.   Malhotra, Dr. Aseem, (clinician/academic) on Twitter, subscribe to his Blog here also on Telegram. Court Case documents for current project in South Africa available here.

44.   Malone, Dr Robert, (scientist) Substack (writes daily) here

45.   Martin, Dr David, (academic/maths/finances) Ongoing legal cases, updates on his website. Excerpts on YouTube

46.   McCullough, Dr Peter, (clinician/academic) often appears on Wake Up America writes on Courageous Discourse

47.   McMillan, Dr Phillip, (clinician/academic) of Vejon Health also has regular interviews and webinars via Substack

48.   Mercola, Dr Joseph (clinician/academic) sign-up for newsletters/podcasts on the website

49.   Morris, Natali & Clayton (journalists) on Redacted YouTube but full episodes on Rumble

50.   Nawaz, Maajid (deplatformed journalist) at Radical Media and also on Substack

51.   New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) – Collection of NZ-based Doctors who were censored/deregistered for speaking out about the Covid19 Government Policies that were anti-science. Online clinical appointments possible, and other resources.

52.   Not on the Beeb – Website and Telegram

53.   Oliver, Neil (historian/journalist) Twitter: “Coast Guy” on YouTube and weekly on GB News & exclusive stuff via subscribing to his channel on Patreon.com

54.   Oracle Films, UK-based and presenting coverage of the global protests and documentary evidence of the harms Gov policies:


55.   Peterson, Dr Jordan, (Intl psychologist/philosopher) full list of lectures/podcasts on his website

56.   Realitycheck Radio Station, run by various NZ-based media journalists who were censored from mainstream.

57.   Rennick, Gerard, (Federal Senator, Queensland, Australia). YouTube channel.

58.   Roberts, Malcolm. (Australian, Queensland MP) Podcasts on his website.

59.   Rogan, Joe. Joe Rogan Experience, now largest audience on Spotify (some previous YouTube episodes also copied to other platforms).

60.   Roos, Robert, (MEP) on Twitter and important recording here

61.   Rose, Dr Jessica, (data scientist) writes regularly on Substack (open access) or paywalled version

62.   Saad, Prof. Gad. (evolutionary/behavioural scientist, US-based) author of many books often discussed on his Sad Truth podcasts

63.   Sayers, Freddy (journalist, editor) regular interviews with prominent scientists and politicians etc, via Youtube and on the website.

64.   Smit, Monica (journalist). Co-founder of Reignite Democracy, Australian based group with YouTube channel and website.

65.   Steyn, Mark. (journalist and musician) at The Mark Steyn Show (sacked from GB News) Steyn Online

66.   Terhes Christian (MEP Romania) Website updates also on Twitter

67.   Together Declaration – regular events UK based:

68.   U.K. Column News Broadcasts Livestreams on Mon, Wed and Friday’s at 1pm UK time also articles. Expert guests like Hedley Rees, writes here.

69.   Vanden Bossche, Dr. Geert, (immunologist/scientist) Website author of new book And for newsletters co-authored on Substack here

70.   Voices for Freedom: three NZ-based women set up this grass-roots a-political group sharing community information that has been censored.

  1. Weinstein, Dr Bret, and Heying, Heather (teachers and scientists) at Blackhorse Podcasts full details on website here a particularly useful one with Aseem, on YouTube here

72.   Wong, Matt. (Australian lawyer) at Discernables YouTube (censored versions) but full versions here: podcasts and Locals

73.   Wood, Patrick. (journalist) daily livestreams at website and links to articles of interest The Quickening Report via Substack.

74. World Council for Health: A very active, international organisation based in UK, which hosts weekly webinars and an annual conference. Lots of free resources.

  1. Yeadon, Dr Mike, (ex-CEO of Research @ Pfizer) – a collection of his interviews here also updates only on Telegram.

76.   Zelenko, Dr Zeb (RIP) (Clinician/academic) Open Access of his research here

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