Paul Craig Roberts on Zbigniew Brzezinski

Paul Craig Roberts | 2 June 2017 Z-big – paradox or psychopath? Brzezinski’s death at 89 years of age has generated a load of propaganda and disinformation, all of which serves one interest group or another or the myths that people find satisfying. I am not an expert on Brzezinski, and this is not an…

Rethinking The Cold War and the new one

Paul Craig Roberts | 11 August 2016 The Cold War began during the Truman administration and lasted through the Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter administrations and was ended in Reagan’s second term when Reagan and Gorbachev came to an agreement that the conflict was dangerous, expensive, and pointless. The Cold War did not…

Russia, Syria, Ukraine and the New Cold War

John Batchelor Show | 19 July 2016 Stephen Frand Cohen is an American scholar of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University. Listen to audio “I spoke to Foreign Minister Lavrov again today,” he [John Kerry] said. “We both believe that we have an understanding of the direction we are going in and…

Putin Is Being Pushed to Abandon His Conciliatory Approach to the West and Prepare for War

The Huffington Post | 17 May 2016 NATO’s military pressure on Russia and the West’s economic sanctions have empowered Moscow’s hardliners, setting the stage for an escalation of the new Cold War into possibly a hot one, ex-British intelligence officer Alastair Crooke warns. By Alastair Crooke (Fmr. MI-6 agent; Author, ‘Resistance: The Essence of Islamic Revolution’…

The U.S.-Russia “phony war”: How Washington warmongers could bring us from stalemate to catastrophe

Salon | 9 Aug 2015 One of two outcomes is likely: Another long Cold War, or a great power conflict                     The Ukraine crisis and the attendant confrontation with Russia assume a “phony war” feel these days. As in the perversely calm months between the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 and the Blitzkrieg into…

Countering the Neo-Cold Warriors

Wayne Madsen | Strategic Culture | July 21, 2015 The “terrible troika” of American officials clamoring for a military showdown with Moscow Shortly, the «gruesome twosome» of U.S.-Russian relations, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and NATO Supreme Commander General Philip Breedlove, will be joined by a third neo-Cold Warrior,…

The Pentagon Goes Nuclear On Russia

Pepe Escobar | RT | June 26, 2015 We’re talking about the unthinkable here; a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russia We all remember how, in early June, President Putin announced that Russia would deploy more than 40 new ICBMs “able to overcome even the most technically advanced anti-missile defense systems.” Oh dear; the Pentagon and…