Germany announces wide-ranging plans to restrict the speech, travel and economic activity of political dissidents, in order to better control the “thought and speech patterns” of its own people

EUGYPPIUS | 14 Feb 2024 After Germany’s defeat in 1945, Walter Ulbricht returned from exile in Moscow to become one of the founding politicians of the DDR. The new state, he said, “must look democratic, but we must have everything under control.” It has been 80 years since Ulbricht spoke those words, and while the DDR has…

FBI Instructs High Schools to Inform On “Anti-government” Students

Kurt Nimmo | 10 March 2016 Constitutionalists figure prominently on the target list A new FBI initiative based on Britain’s “anti-terror” mass surveillance program instructs high schools across America to inform on students who express “anti-government” and “anarchist” political beliefs. “High school students are ideal targets for recruitment by violent extremists seeking support for their…

Spying on Americans: Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Would Allow Arrest of Journalists, Anti-war Activists, Academics and Students

Global Research | August 08, 2015 Freedom in America is being systematically destroyed: one police state law at a time – with most people ignorant and/or indifferent about what happening. Washington’s criminal class is bipartisan – in lockstep against government representing everyone equitably and fairly, serving privileged interests only. S. Res. 1705: Intelligence Authorization Act for…

Police given personal information without search warrants

NZ Herald | 25 March 2015 Officers obtaining personal data from range of organisations by citing clauses in legislation Broad swathes of people’s personal data are being sought regularly by police from airlines, banks, electricity companies, internet providers and phone companies without search warrants by officers citing clauses in the Privacy Act. Senior lawyers and…

Citizen Torture Site Discovered In Chicago | February 26, 2015 Americans are being held without access to the outside world or legal representation Alex Jones reveals the newly discovered black site in Chicago where Americans’ rights are being taken away. Some of the activities include off the books interrogation of political activists and suspected criminals. Americans are being held without…

Examining the Stasi, Seeing the NSA

Elizabeth Murray | Consortium News | February 4, 2015 Exclusive: For many years, the East German Stasi was viewed as the most totalitarian of intelligence services, relentlessly spying on its citizens during the Cold War. But the Stasi’s capabilities pale in comparison to what the NSA can now do, notes former U.S. intelligence analyst Elizabeth Murray. By Elizabeth…

‘Hidden Agenda Within Intelligence Community Allowed Paris Attacks’ for a Police State With Grand Spy Powers

Mac Slavo | | January 23, 2015 National security veteran accused American intelligence of looking the other way to enable the Hebdo Charlie terrorist attacks in Paris Former U.S. intelligence linguist and national security veteran Scott Rickard accused American intelligence of looking the other way to enable the Hebdo Charlie terrorist attacks in Paris…