Hiding US Lies About Libyan Invasion

Consortium News | 7 July 2017 In 2016, when a British parliamentary report demolished the excuse for the U.S. and its allies invading Libya in 2011, it should have been big news, but the U.S. mainstream media looked the other way, reports Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria (Corrects to show that a Times story was…

Did Hillary Run Guns Out of Benghazi?

Rush Limbaugh | 2 Aug 2016 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Julian Assange at WikiLeaks claims that there are a whole lot more emails coming.  And he says that they are about Benghazi, but not so much what you think of when you hear Benghazi.  Have any of you ever stopped to ask yourself, “What were we…

Clinton Falsely Claims No Lives Were Lost In Libya

The Daily Caller | 8 June 2016 Hillary Clinton claimed that no American lives were lost in the United State’s intervention in Libya, apparently forgetting the four Americans who lost their lives in the Benghazi terrorist attack. In an interview on PBS Newshour Wednesday, host Judy Woodruff asked Clinton, “We know that you, and you’ve…

Libya Then and Now: An Overview of NATO’s Handiwork

Global Research | 4 March 2016 Originally published in November 2014  In 2011, as the entire world watched the Arab Spring in amazement, the US and its allies, predominantly  working under the banner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), militarily overran the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. The peaceful civilian protesters…

Refugee Crisis: EU Cites Missing Libyan Navy It Destroyed in 2011

New Eastern Outlook | 29 February 2016 News agencies are reporting on a Wikileaks report detailing the EU’s “Operation Sophia,” an allegedly covert military operation aimed at stemming the flow of refugees into Europe. The International Business Times in their report, “WikiLeaks leak ‘classified report’ indicating EU Operation could move into Libyan territory,” would report…

Pentagon Prepares Another War in Libya

WSWS | 29 Jan 2016 A little less than five years after launching a war against Libya on the “humanitarian” pretext of preventing a supposedly imminent massacre, the United States and its European allies are preparing a new military assault against the oil-rich North African country under the bloodstained banner of the “war on terrorism.”…