FIFA and other unaccountable international fiefdoms

Breaking Views | 10 June 2015 The Fifa fiasco is not just about football. It is also emblematic of a chronic problem with international bureaucracies of all kinds. The tendency of supranational quangos to become the personal fiefdoms of their presidents or directors-general, and to sink into lethargy or corruption, followed by brazen defiance when…

Washington Politicizes Football

Paul Craig Roberts | 3 June 2015 Washington’s attack on world soccer is following the script of Washington’s attack on the Russian-hosted Sochi Olympics. The difference is that Washington couldn’t stop the Olympics from being held in Sochi, and was limited to scaring off westerners with lies and propaganda. In the current scandal orchestrated by…

Never Mind FIFA, How about a Crackdown on the Banksters?

SCF | 3 June 2015 FIFA boss Sepp Blatter’s sudden resignation this week only days after being re-elected shows that the US campaign to bust the football federation over alleged financial corruption is probably going to intensify during the weeks and months ahead. Blatter had been re-elected for the fifth time last Friday as the…

Palestinians disappointed but determined after FIFA betrayal

The Electronic Intifada | 29 May 2015 Palestinians are expressing disappointment at the abandonment and sabotage of efforts to have Israel suspended from world football’s governing body over its systematic abuses of Palestinian players. But campaigners are vowing to continue to work to isolate Israel. Despite repeated vows not to back down, Jibril Rajoub, head…

Western Long Knives Out for FIFA’s Sepp Blatter? US Wants Russia’s Status as World Cup 2018 Host Rescinded

Stephen Lendman | Global Research | May 29, 2015 A separate article discussed US Justice Department indictments against 14 current and former FIFA officials. Blatter wasn’t named but isn’t out of the woods. US prosecutors indicated what’s announced isn’t “the final chapter. It is not over,” they said. FBI Director James Comey indicated “work will continue until all of…

US Cries FIFA Foul to Penalise Russia

SCF | 28 May 2015 The saying goes: don’t mix politics and sport. That is exactly what the United States’ authorities seem to be doing over this week’s dramatic arrests of World Cup officials and allegations of rampant fraud amounting to $150 million. The ostensible American concern is to clean up the tarnished image of…

The FIFA Distraction Exposed

Infowars  | May 29, 2015 It must have been “Let’s pretend we work for the American People” day over at the Justice Dept.. Newly appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch dropped the hammer on World Cup Soccer Executives, issuing warrants for their arrests regarding the accumulation of over $150 million received by employing methods of racketeering,…

Ahead Of Israel Expulsion Vote U.S. Orders Raid On FIFA

Moon of Alabama | 27 May 2015 Today the U.S. ordered Swiss police to raid, incarcerate and extradite to the U.S. six FIFA officials for alleged corruption. The raid, with obviously pre-alarmed New York Times reporters on the scene, comes shortly before a FIFA vote to expel Israel from the association. This Friday the world…

Russian experts warn against politicizing FIFA corruption probe

Tass | 28 May 2015 Struggle against corruption inside the international federation of football associations FIFA is a crucial task, but it would be impermissible to politicize that process and violate international law as the investigation proceeds, polled experts have told TASS. “Sports and politics must be kept separately,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said about…