Merck’s Molnupiravir Pill Causes New COVID Variants

The Defender | 26 Sep 2023 A study published Monday in Nature showed that Merck’s COVID-19 pill molnupiravir induces mutations that can lead to new SARS-CoV-2 variants. Numerous doctors and scientists voiced concerns about the drug’s mutagenicity before it was approved in 2021. Merck’s COVID-19 pill causes viral mutations that can lead to new variants,…

Canada’s Entire Federal Parliament Gave a Standing Ovation to a Nazi “Hero”

Bryam Bridle | 25 Sep 2023 Prime minister Justin Trudeau will never be forgotten for calling Canadians protesting draconian, scientifically flawed COVID-19 mandates ‘Nazis’. In fact, it is remarkable how many Canadians adopted this hateful perception. This seemed to be caused by two or three ‘bad apples’ infiltrating crowds that totaled hundreds of thousands of people over…

FDA knew mRNA vaccine would cause Bell’s palsy but lied about it

Vinu Arumughan | 23 Sep 2023 Intranasal flu vaccine with E.coli enterotoxin as adjuvant caused Bell’s palsy in 2000. Covid vaccine-induced Bell’s palsy and the continued denial/downplaying of the link is the latest evidence of the complete corruption of medicine. Association of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination or Infection With Bell Palsy An inactivated intranasal influenza vaccine deployed…

EXCLUSIVE: An interview with Buckhaults about DNA contamination in covid vaccines… and the FDA responds

Maryanne Demasi | 22 Sep 2023 Earlier this year, genomics expert Kevin McKernan first discovered DNA contamination in vials of Pfizer and Moderna’s bivalent booster shots.  He published his findings in a pre-print, but the research received little attention from the mainstream media. Observing from afar was Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at…

‘Definite Causal Link’ Between COVID Vaccine Rollouts and Peaks in All-Cause Mortality, New Study Finds

The Defender | 20 Sep 2023 Researchers estimated the COVID-19 vaccines led to approximately 17 million deaths worldwide, with the most deaths occuring among the elderly. A new study of 17 countries found a “definite causal link” between peaks in all-cause mortality and the rapid rollouts of the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. Researchers with Canada-based Correlation Research in…

Niacinamide Enhances Natural Killer Cells to Beat Carcinomas

Joseph Mercola | 25 Sep 2023 STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to recent research,1,2 nicotinamide3 (also known as niacinamide), a form of niacin (vitamin B3), enhances natural killer (NK) cells’ ability to defeat blood cancers. Scientists have previously tried to use infusions of monoclonal antibodies mixed with NK cells as a novel treatment for blood cancers, with limited success. Now,…

Do Lockdowns work?

Trust the Evidence | 19 Sep 2023 Restrictions,  lockdowns and travel measures changed over 200 times in 2020. No one could keep up with the changes. By the time one step had come in, it was onto the next. For example, the rules on going out – to a pub or a restaurant – were…