Infowars | 31 May 2017 Agenda talking points and a list of participants for the upcoming 65th annual Bilderberg globalist confab have been announced. A press release from the official website shows leaders of finance, media and politics will converge in Chantilly, Virginia at the Westfields Marriott starting this week from June 1-4. Members who attend…

Did You Know Bilderberg Created the 1973 Oil Crisis?

Resistance News | 11 June 2015 [youtube] The Bilderberg Group orchestrated the 1973 Oil Crisis and talked OPEC into playing along to ensure that Anglo-American oil companies with ties to Bilderberg would profit from oil exploration in the North Sea, as Infowars journalist Kit Daniels explains. For more information on the Bilderberg Group’s link…

Bilderberg 2015 Dates Confirmed

American Free Press | 20 March 2015 Amid rumors and various online reports that typically fail to quote specific sources directly, police in western Austria have directly confirmed for AMERICAN FREE PRESS that Bilderberg 2015 will indeed take place at the Interalpen Hotel near Innsbruck in the Tyrol region, Thursday through Sunday, June 11-14. “We confirm…

Bilderberg 2015 Location Confirmed

Steve Watson | | January 30, 2015 Austrian counter-terrorism, special-ops forces to run security   The location and dates of the forthcoming 2015 gathering of secretive elites under the Bilderberg Group banner has been confirmed. Local police have verified that the conference will take place at the opulent Interalpen Hotel, in the Austrian mountains…

Global Power Project: Bilderberg Group and the Central Bankers

Andrew Gavin Marshall | Occupy | 14 Jan 2015 his is the eighth installment in a series examining the activities and individuals behind the Bilderberg Group. Read the first part, second part, third part, fourth part, fifth part, sixth part and seventh part in the series. Central banks have been among the most important and influential institutions throughout the financial and debt crises of…