Bilderberg Planning to Trigger Financial Collapse

Paul Joseph Watson | 10 June 2016

Secretive group positioning itself to profit from upcoming economic meltdown

For the second time in the space of ten years, the powerful Bilderberg group is plotting to trigger a financial collapse, with elitists already positioning themselves to profit from the next economic meltdown.

As we reported back in 2006 during the Bilderberg Group’s meeting in Ottawa, Canada, leaked information from an American delegate revealed that insiders were preparing for the housing bubble to burst and a global market crash.

Over the course of the next two years, that exact scenario played out, culminating in the collapse of Lehman Brothers and a worldwide recession.

As the global financial picture begins to look increasingly bleak, with worries about a Chinese stock market collapse triggering a wider panic, Bilderberg is once again scheming to benefit from the fallout, while the “precariat,” those who are living paycheck to paycheck, are set to suffer the most.

According to veteran Bilderberg sleuth and former BBC journalist Tony Gosling, globalists at this year’s confab in Dresden, Germany are scheming to re-position their assets to ensure they exploit the coming market turmoil.


“There’s another thing going on here in that these guys control most of the money in the western world….and we’re looking at the potential for a massive economic crash,” said Gosling, adding that there aren’t enough resources left to save failing banks, “so it could be a catastrophic crash.”

“Some people, like some of the people in here (Bilderberg), they can bet on which way the market’s going to go now based on derivatives and things like this and they can make a lot of money out of a crash, they can clean up a lot of distressed assets, so they will be looking possibly at making money from such a thing, which is a crazy situation for the world to be in now,” said Gosling.

Noting that the merger of large corporations has created monopolies that make it easier for those in power to control the market, especially with regard to food, Gosling said that cartels were now intent on strangling their competition.

“They know that by controlling the financial system that they can control the outcome of a crash and they can clean up on the rest of us,” he concluded.

Billionaire elitist George Soros has also stepped back into trading personally over the last few months as he prepares to exploit the chaos of Europe’s migration crisis and a possible Brexit vote for Britain to leave the EU later this month.

As Breitbart reports, Soros, who was responsible for crashing the pound in 1992, is also betting against the American stock market.

Given that Bilderberg discussed an economic collapse almost immediately before it began to unfold ten years ago, the revelation that the clandestine cabal is once again plotting to profit from a financial catastrophe should be taken seriously by everyone who will be impacted by the fallout from another market meltdown.

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