Wolfgang Halbig Notches Win in Sandy Hook FOIA Fight

Fellowship of the Minds | 25 Feb 2016 Outstanding description by Tony Mead of what transpired at Wolfgang Halbig’s Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission hearing on Feb. 18. Here’s the takeaway summary: “As one observes the blatant attempts by the State to confuse, obfuscate and delay the release of these documents, it becomes apparent to…

Must See: Explosive Debate Over Sandy Hook

by Infowars.com | December 13, 2014 Marathon interview covers many of the questions investigators are asking   Rob Dew moderates a debate between American Free Press writer Keith Johnson and Sandy Hook Investigator Wolfgang Halbig. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aK0P-WxjU8?feature=player_embedded&w=640&h=360] This marathon interview covers many of the questions that investigators are asking about the events in Newtown, Conn.,…

Video: We need to talk about Sandy Hook

by Infowars.com | December 2, 2014 Documentary blows the lid off suspected Sandy Hook cover-up   [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxTafqejV6k?feature=player_detailpage&w=640&h=360] A loose coalition of concerned citizen journalists known as the Independent Media Solidarity have produced an in-depth, well-researched documentary regarding the countless anomalies, inconsistencies and discrepancies evident in the Sandy Hook school shooting investigation. The video is…

Sandy Hook: CT crime data confirms FBI report

Veterans Today | 28 Sept 2014 by Jim Fetzer (with Dr. Eowyn) “According to the Connecticut State crime report for 2012, there were 27 deaths in Connecticut that did not occur in any community or jurisdiction in Connecticut. But if no one died in Newtown, no one died at Sandy Hook”–Jim Fetzer Brasscheck TV claims that the…