Sandy Hook: CT crime data confirms FBI report

Veterans Today | 28 Sept 2014

by Jim Fetzer (with Dr. Eowyn)

“According to the Connecticut State crime report for 2012, there were 27 deaths in Connecticut that did not occur in any community or jurisdiction in Connecticut. But if no one died in Newtown, no one died at Sandy Hook”–Jim Fetzer

Brasscheck TV claims that the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre really are in the FBI’s Consolidated Crime Report, if you know how to read it.

He (the author) claims that those who believe this is “the smoking gun” of Sandy Hook have committed a mistake, because the numbers are there under a special State Police designation.

He even suggests that Wolfgang Halbig and Alex Jones have been taken in, which is especially surprising since the one he refers to as “W” is a former state trooper himself.

Someone has blundered, but that would not be Wolfgang. Sandy Hook is a subdivision of Newtown. Murders in Newtown should be reported under “Newtown”, not under a State Police designation.

Brasscheck viral nonsense

For the eight (8) minute Brasscheck TV report, click here.

Murders are offenses under the law and should be reported for the community or jurisdiction that has the legal authority to investigate and prosecute them, even if the investigation were conducted by the CT State Police. Otherwise, how would any community know what crimes were committed there?

The Connecticut State Police are an organization, not a community or a jurisdiction. Like everything else about this event, there is nothing normal or consistent or coherent about it. And it therefore comes as no surprise that the FBI report has been confirmed by the state’s crime statistics for 2012:

Crime in Connecticut, page 26

Go to “Crime in Connecticut COMPLETE for 2012″ and on page 26, you will find the data that I am publishing here. At the intersection of MURDER and <10 (below 10 years of age) for 2012, you will find the number “0″! But that does not quite settle the matter, because the number “27″ appears under the heading, “State Police Misc.” buried on page 415:

CT crime report, page 415

If you put the data on page 415 together with the data on page 26, then according to the Connecticut State crime report for 2012, there were 27 deaths in Connecticut that did not occur in any community or jurisdiction in Connecticut. But if no one died in Newtown, no one died at Sandy Hook

27 people cannot have died in Connecticut and also not have died anywhere in Connecticut in 2012. The Connecticut State Police, who orchestrated this event, have been caught and are looking for a way out. The FBI is playing along, because Eric Holder, the Attorney General, was a crucial player in the hoax. 

A more interesting analysis

A far more sophisticated discussion of the FBI’s Consolidated Uniform Crime Report for Connecticut may be found in Global Research, “The Sandy School Massacre and FBI Data Anomalies” (27 September 2014), by Jason Kissner. Jason cites an article by Adan Salizar that appeared on to critique it and explain why its author got it wrong. He even notes that Connecticut reports zero murders for children below the age of 10 in its own report on crime in 2012:

infowars, no one killed at Sandy Hook

Kissner identifies himself as a “criminologist”, who would appear to be in an appropriate position to explain why “the data entry identified by Salazar in no way whatsoever supports the claim that the FBI says no one was killed at Sandy Hook. ” But of course it does. Since the FBI’s data is confirmed by Connecticut’s data, but no location for those deaths appears in the state report, it supports the inference no one died, since if they died they had to have died somewhere.

Kissner says, “There could conceivably be real issues as to why the Sandy Hook murders weren’t scored in the Newtown ‘Agency or Area’ even if it is true that the Connecticut State Police managed the ‘investigation.’” Because the Newtown event was scored under the “State Police Misc.” heading and the FBI received the data from Connecticut, it placed a “0” in the Newtown row. Which means the claim that the FBI says nobody was killed at Newtown is not supported by the FBI’s data point. But does Kissner really think people can die in Connecticut without dying somewhere in Connecticut?

After all, murders are reported in the communities or  jurisdictions in which they have occurred, not on the basis of the agency or organization that investigates them. Since these “murders” allegedly took place in Sandy Hook and Sandy Hook is a subdivision of Newtown, they should have been reported under “Newtown”, not under “State Police Misc.” The only reason to cite any murders under “State Police Misc.” is to obfuscate that no one died in Newtown in 2012.

Did the CT State police retract data?

When Kissner turns to an article in USA TODAY, however, he comes up with some  striking information, which is that the data originally submitted by Colorado on the Aurora “Batman” shooting as well as the data originally submitted by  Connecticut about Sandy Hook were both retracted at the request of local authorities, which were in the case of Sandy Hook, the Connecticut State Police:
USA TODAY on retracted dataAs Kissner observes, what sort of “mistake” could possibly have justified the CTSP to request the retraction of data on homicides? The “supplemental homicide report” (which is the “supplementary materials” mentioned here) is as simple as it gets, but the mention of the suspect’s mother, Nancy Lanza, suggests that information about her may have been in error–which given the latest research about the alleged victims, could very well have justified the retraction–along with the data on every other purported victim.  The school was closed by 2008 and no one died there in 2012.

Sandy Hook “smoking guns”

This report is not “the smoking gun” of Sandy Hook, because the word “the” implies there is one and only one. There are many “smoking guns” for Sandy Hook, including that the school had been closed by 2008, that there were no 469 children being evacuated, that the Shannon Hicks’ “iconic” photograph was staged, that the “official report” by Danbury State’s Attorney does not connect the suspect to his alleged victims or the weapons he is supposed to have used and that Wolfgang has exposed the “script”. The FBI report is important because it encapsulates the problems with Sandy Hook

The FBI crime report is making an impact with the public, no doubt, because it represents the federal government and the authority of the state (not just of Connecticut, but of the United States). We tend to confound authority with truth, when truth is the authority–and where “authorities” lie to the American people all the time: about Lee Oswald, the Gulf of Tonkin, Iraqi soldiers dumping babies out of incubators in Kuwait, about 19 Arab hijackers, about Osama bin Laden, about Saddam Hussein, about Sandy Hook and about the Boston bombing–the authorities are lying to us all the time!

What is incredible is that we still tend to believe in our government, no doubt because the very idea that it would kill 3,000 of our fellow citizens to promote a political agenda is beyond our comprehension. They have experts on mind control and the dissemination of false information to instill fear into us and manipulate us for political purposes. The young Kuwati girl who testified before Congress is an appropriate illustration, since it was an emotional appeal like the emotional appeal of 20 first-graders being massacred at school.

The statistical records for crimes in states should be straightforward and unambiguous, as Jason Kissner observes: it’s a simple spread-sheet with the intersection of kinds of crimes and locations where crimes of that kind could have been committed. Had there been a murder of 20 children and seven adults–including Nancy Lanza as the twenty-seventh–then those numbers would have appeared in their proper place. It is a federal crime to report false statistics to the FBI, so the CTSP tacked on a new category of “State Police Misc.” as though that solved the problem. But perhaps Nancy Lanza also poses special problems, which have caused them some concern.

What about Nancy Lanza?

Another line of proof concern the woman alleged to be Adam Lanza’s mother, Nancy. There is more than one theory as to her identity.  One theory, which identified her with Annie Haddad, has been featured in “A sampler of Sandy Hook videos”, where I explained that studies about her tend to disappear from the internet as rapidly as they are posted. In this instance, you can find this one by clicking on this link. Both “Nancy Lanza” and “Annie Haddad” as appearing to be the person also known under the last name “Champion”.

This theme is developed further in a new book by Dennis and Sabrina Phillips, Making a Killing: The Unofficial Story of the Sandy Hook Massacre (2014). According to the Tampa Bay Times, when Nancy Lanza’s mother, “Dorothy Hanson”, was reached for comment after the shooting, she was “Too distraught to talk.” During some initial research, they came across an obituary from the St.Petersburg Times back in the year 2000. It was for an “Eleanore Champion” and it’s the one of the only obituaries connecting Nancy Lanza to the Champion name.

Nancy Lanza LIVE

For “Nancy Lanza: Her life today — The Undead of Sandy Hook”, click here.

An alternative account can be found here:  In the horror story of Sandy Hook Nancy Lanza, Adam’s mother, has been somewhat of a mystery and met a rather awful end, according to the official tale. It would appear that perhaps Nancy never died. The real “Undead” of this false flag. Another part of this farce known as the Sandy Hook Massacre. The absurd photographs from INSIDE the Lanza house would be enough to show normal people that her death was faked. However, here we will provide several additional layers of proof that she obviously is still living her life today. In fact, it appears that Nancy and Peter are back together again… sans “Adam”, of course. For more, follow this link.

The situation with regard to Sandy Hook boggles the mind. The Connecticut State Police submit information to the FBI that asserts 27 people died in Connecticut, but at the same time denies that they died anywhere in Connecticut. That is absurd and revealing. The objective of disinformation is to create enough uncertainty that everything is believable and nothing is knowable. But we have a mountain of proof that the school was closed by 2008 and that no one died there in 2012. Even Obama officials in the Department of Education have confirmed it. And Dr. Eowyn offers more proof that no one died in her brilliant study of the Social Security Death Index, which is apparently being shut down so students and scholars cannot compare the data it provides with the claims being made by local, state and federal authorities.

No one died in Sandy Hook: Testimony from the Social Security Death Master File



When a person in the United States dies, his/her death is recorded by the federal government.

The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is a database of death records created from the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File (DMF). Most persons in the U.S. who had died since 1936, had had a Social Security number, and whose death was reported to the Social Security Administration are listed in the SSDI.

Unlike the Death Master File, the SSDI is available free to the public on several genealogy websites, such as Genealogy Bank. The “state of issue” refers to the state that had issued the individual’s Social Security number.

On January 20, 2013, I undertook a search on Genealogy Bank for the SSDI of Adam Lanza — the alleged mass murderer of his mother, Nancy Lanza, and 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012.

To my astonishment, Genealogy Bank had Lanza’s SSDI as December 13, 2012 — a day BEFORE the alleged mass shooting. (See “SSDI says Adam Lanza died a day before Sandy Hook massacre“)

Here’s a screenshot I took of Adam Lanza’s SSDI record on the website The date (1/20/2013) and time (2:29PM) when I took the screenshot can be seen in the lower right corner of the image below.

Click image to enlarge

Adam Lanza died 12-13-2012

After the discovery of Lanza’s 12/13/2012 SSDI went viral, on or around February 2, 2013, Genealogy Bank changed Lanza’s SSDI to 12/14/2012, the day of the alleged massacre. (See “SSDI changed Adam Lanza’s date-of-death from Dec. 13 to Dec. 14, 2012 !!!”)

Another genealogy website,, was slower on the uptake. Three days after Genealogy Bank had changed its SSDI for Lanza to 12/14/2012, still listed Lanza’s SSDI as 12/13/2012. (See “ still has Adam Lanza’s date-of-death as a day before the Sandy Hook massacre”)

Lanza’s curious SSDI aside, was able to find on Genealogy Bank the SSDI (of 12/14/2012) of all of Lanza’s victims, except one – that of Ana Marquez-Greene, age 6, whose father is jazz musician Jimmy Greene. In my search for Ana, I had used every variation of her name: Ana Marquez, Ana Marquez-Greene, Ana Greene, to no avail. I hypothesized that the lack of a SSDI for Ana Marquez-Greene may be because her parents had not yet obtained a Social Security card/number for her. (See “Dec. 14 was date of death for every Sandy Hook massacre victim, except Adam Lanza“)

But wait!

Remember what I’d written at the beginning of this post — that the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is a database of death records created from the federal government Social Security Administration’s Death Master File?

What if I were to tell you that the Death Master File does NOT contain the SSDIs for any of Adam Lanza’s victims?

In other words, according to the United States Social Security Administration’s Death Master File, nobody died at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.

That’s exactly what blogger LivingonPlanetZ of Chemtrails: The Exotic Weapon reported on Feb. 22, 2014.

LivingonPlanetZ refers us to what he calls an “originating website” — a document published on (date unknown), titled “Sandy Hook – NO DEATHS, NO VICTIMS; According to SSDI Official Master File.” (You can also read the document in PDF here or here.)

The anonymous person who uploaded the 107-page document to had accessed the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File, updated through January 1, 2014, and searched for Adam Lanza’s victims — in vain.

The document says:

You are invited to search all of these records for the putative ‘victims’ of the Sandy Hook massacre. The children should all be 6 to 7 years old (“born” 2005-2006), and should have “died” in 2012. The adult “victims” appear in the appendix. (Each entry is followed by a 6-7 digit serial entry number, which demonstrates the continuity of the alphabetical listing – in other words, that they are presented here unaltered.)

I did just that and can verify the claim that none of Adam Lanza’s victims is in Social Security’s Death Master File. But before I present my findings, here are the Sandy Hook victims (name, birth date, gender, age at death), according to news accounts:


  1. Charlotte Bacon, 2/22/06, female (age 6)
  2. Daniel Barden, 9/25/05, male (age 7)
  3. Olivia Engel, 7/18/06, female (age 6)
  4. Josephine Gay, 12/11/05, female (age 7)
  5. Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 04/04/06, female (age 6)
  6. Dylan Hockley, 03/08/06, male (age 6)
  7. Madeleine F. Hsu, 07/10/06, female (age 6)
  8. Catherine V. Hubbard, 06/08/06, female (age 6)
  9. Chase Kowalski, 10/31/05, male (age 7)
  10. Jesse Lewis, 06/30/06, male (age 6)
  11. James Mattioli, 03/22/06, male (age 6)
  12. Grace McDonnell, 11/04/05, female (age 7)
  13. Emilie Parker, 05/12/06, female (age 6)
  14. Jack Pinto, 05/06/06, male (age 6)
  15. Noah Pozner, 11/20/06, male (age 6)
  16. Caroline Previdi, 09/07/06, female (age 6)
  17. Jessica Rekos, 05/10/06, female (age 6)
  18. Avielle Richman, 10/17/06, female (age 6)
  19. Benjamin Wheeler, 9/12/06, male (age 6)
  20. Allison N. Wyatt, 07/03/06, female (age 6)


  1. Rachel Davino, 7/17/83, female (age 29)
  2. Dawn Hocksprung, 06/28/65, female (age 47)
  3. Anne Marie Murphy, 07/25/60, female (age 52)
  4. Lauren Russeau, 1982, female (age 29)
  5. Mary Sherlach, 02/11/56, female (age 56)
  6. Victoria Soto, 11/04/85, female (age 27)

Here are the search results for each of the above names in the Social Security Death Master File (DMF). In the list below, the names of alleged child victims are colored pink; those of adults are colored green:

  1. Charlotte Bacon: DMF has 36 individuals named Charlotte Bacon, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Charlotte Bacon.
  2. Daniel Barden: DMF has 6 individuals named Daniel or Danny Barden, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Daniel Barden.
  3. Olivia Engel: DMF has one Olivia Engel, but she was born on May 18, 1905.
  4. Josephine Gay: DMF has 29 Josephine Gay, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Josephine Gay.
  5. Anna Marquez: DMF has 21 Anna Marquez, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Anna Marquez.
  6. Dylan Hockley: DMF has no one named Dylan Hockley.
  7. Madeline Hsu: DMF has no one named Madeline Hsu. The closest, an individual named M. Hsu, was born on Oct. 27, 1940.
  8. Catherine Hubbard: DMF has 68 individuals named Catherine Hubbard, none of whom is the Sandy Hook Catherine Hubbard.
  9. Chase Kowalski: DMF has no one named Chase Kowalski. The closest, Chas Kowalski, was born on April 10, 1900.
  10. Jesse Lewis: DMF has 565  individuals named Jess or Jesse Lewis, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Jesse Lewis.
  11. James Mattioli: DMF has no one named James Mattioli.
  12. Grace McDonnell: DMF has 38 individuals named Grace or Gracie McDonnell, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Grace McDonnell.
  13. Emilie Parker: DMF has 12 individuals named Emilie, Emilia, or Emiline Parker, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Emilie Parker.
  14. Jack Pinto: DMF has 12 individuals named Jack or Jacob Pinto, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Jack Pinto.
  15. Noah Pozner: DMF has no one named Noah Pozner.
  16. Caroline Previdi: DMF has no one named Caroline Previdi.
  17. Jessica Rekos: DMF has no one named Jessica Rekos.
  18. Avielle Richman: DMF has 5 individuals with a first name that begins with the alphabet A and a last name of Richman, none of whom is Avielle Richman.
  19. Benjamin Wheeler: DMF has 206 individuals named Benjamin (or Benjamine, Benjemin, Benj, Benji) Wheeler, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Benjamin Wheeler.
  20. Allison Wyatt: DMF has 4 individuals named Allison Wyatt, none of whom is Sandy Hook’s Allison Wyatt.
  21. Rachel Davino: DMF has no one named Rachel Davino.
  22. Dawn Hochsprung: DMF has no one named Dawn Hochsprung.
  23. Ann Marie Murphy: DMF has 11 individuals named Ann (or Anna) Murphy, 4 of whom are named Ann Marie Murphy, but none of them is Sandy Hook’s Ann Marie Murphy.
  24. Lauren Russeau: DMF has no one named Lauren Russeau.
  25. Mary Sherlach: DMF has two Marian Sherlach, but none named Mary Sherlach.
  26. Victoria Soto: DMF has 50 individuals names Victoria Soto. The closest is a Victoria G. Soto who was born about 1985, married in Texas on July 2, 2011, but is not dead.

LivingonPlanetZ posted about the document “Sandy Hook – NO DEATHS, NO VICTIMS; According to SSDI Official Master File” on February 22, 2014.

It is noteworthy that a month later, Social Security Administration changed its policy on the public’s access to its Death Master File. On the website of the Social Security Administration, it says beginning March 27, 2014, the public can have only “limited access” to its Death Master File. To gain access to the DMF, we the American people must now jump through several hoops:

  • One must be “certified” (via having one’s application approved) to be granted “limited access”.
  • Only certain people are eligible to be “certified”. One must have a “legitimate” fraud prevention interest, or have a “legitimate” business purpose pursuant to a law, governmental rule, regulation, or fiduciary duty in order to be certified under the program. (The critical word “legitimate” is undefined, which means Social Security Administration’s bureaucrats decide what “legitimate” means.)
  • Those who are “certified” for access to the Death Master File must pay a hefty annual per-person subscription fee of $995.

Then there’s this cover-their-posterior all-purpose qualifier by Social Security Administration:

This [Death Master] file includes the following information on each decedent, if the data are available to the SSA: social security number, name, date of birth, date of death. The SSA does not have a death record for all persons; therefore, SSA does not guarantee the veracity of the file. Thus, the absence of a particular person is not proof this person is alive.

But wait!

We don’t just have to depend on Social Security’s Death Master File data to know that no one died at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.

How do we know that?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) tells us so!

Adan Salazar reports for Infowars, Sept. 24, 2014, that recently released FBI crime statistics show that no murders occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, despite reports that 20 schoolchildren, 6 faculty members, and Nancy Lanza were killed or, in the case of Adam Lanza, committed suicide on December 14, 2012.

Click image to enlarge

FBI 2012 crime stats1

In contrast to the Connecticut report, the 2012 FBI crime report for the state of Colorado shows that 29 murders occurred in the town of Aurora that year, a figure that takes into account the 12 people who died in the Century Theater during the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises on July 20, 2012.

FBI crime stats2

To conclude, no one was killed on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. More perverse still,according to the Social Security Administration’s records, none of the alleged Sandy Hook victims ever lived!

As the author of “Sandy Hook – NO DEATHS, NO VICTIMS; According to SSDI Official Master File” puts it:

ALL of the identities of the “children victims” of the supposed Sandy Hook massacre, are purely fictitious identities, with no record of either birth or death. As to the adult “victims”, the only one with an identity possibly verifiable from the intact SSD Master File, is Victoria G. Soto. The other identities may or may not have been assumed by real people at some time; but the identities themselves are nevertheless fictitious. Secondary copies of the Master File, or perhaps earlier versions, appear to have been altered or “corrected”, to include the fake identities. Such altered copies appear to be in use by popular genealogy search websites, though inconsistently.

H/t Nicholas K, Kelleigh N, Victoria M.

Dr. Eowyn is the Editor of Fellowship of the Minds. For all the posts FOTM has done on Sandy Hook, go to our “Sandy Hook Massacre” page.

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